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Everything posted by obasan

  1. I thought you were being sarcastic lol
  2. I really hope you are being serious lol. Did that really help?
  3. 1. Buy VIP 2. Download OSBot 3. Download RS Client 4. Run RS Client 5. Run OSBot and select mirror mode 6. IIRC, OSBot should detect the client and hook on it automatically
  4. I can do this. Lemme know if you're still up for it
  5. I doubt they're pulling that kind of cash anymore. Maybe in the beginning but not anymore. Their scripts are a one time fee, not a monthly subscription.
  6. Ohh that makes sense. The answer is simple. You take the broken script and give it to some S2 to fix it and maintain it. You own all the source on the SDN so you have the power to do this.
  7. Milo4President


  8. LMFAOOOOOOOOOOO HAHAHAHAHAHAHA <3333 its not "chop" its "chop down" <3333
  9. https://pastebin.com/CwyLQPUp New code ^ And same problem
  10. Any ideas why? Link to code: https://pastebin.com/CwyLQPUp Also, it drops the logs just fine...
  11. Fair point. Then remove the broken scripts from the SDN.
  12. Yeah but ban rates are same all across the board. Doesn't matter what botting site you go to, a ban is inevitable. The sooner people realize this, the better. Botting = Ban.
  13. And he shouldn't. The people who read it now have terminal cancer
  14. You do realize that OP is a legit faggot. Everything he has said is bs. 1. There are no bids on this bs script 2. This bs script can't make $3000 3. This script is worth 10m at best 4. This script isn't undetectable and will result in a ban 5. OP doesn't have 200m xp accounts 6. OP is a troll
  15. Lmao you didn't link shit. Where are the "thousands of pages written by the people who created bot detection". The truth is you are a dumb troll who needs to shut up. You don't know how anti-cheat works, you don't have bots with 200m xp, and you certainly don't have a sizeable gold-farm. Everything you said is stupid and meritless. Botting = Ban. [Sooner or later] There is no way around this. If there was, the price of OSRS gold would have dropped [like your IQ] a long long time ago.
  16. If a scripter leaves and fails to maintain his work, then either remove the script or make it VIP+ This way, the bad scripts are gone entirely, and the abandoned ones don't cost anything.
  17. lmao not interested in private scripts. if u want something done right, do it urself
  18. Please explain why bot developers haven't incorporated your 1337 anti-ban ideas. I'll tell you why, because they don't work. Everything you know is hearsay and circumstantial at best. You have no concrete evidence to back your bs claims so stfu. You are not better than the OSBot devs. The devs on this site can mop the floor with you. Alek > You Welcome to OSBot, please enjoy your stay
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