Yeah on my main 123 cb, it has 90 range and i do 3kill trips w full karils heh and blowpipe.. So im going by the assumption my zerker has 99range and mage will help a shit ton more. I plan to get elite void w all above, DHCB and anti shield, this hould be sufficient?
I can easily do vorkath on a main account w 88 range but 99 melee combats in pretty shit gear. I get 2 kill trips w full karil, slayer helm i (ontask) and a firecape bgs switch to avas to bp.
I am thinking about doing it on my maxed 75attack zerker. doesnt quite have the 200QP required to do the quest but im working on it. At maxed im 99CB so elite void is a question. Would it be worth it? or what other gear can i wear?