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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by harrypotter

  1. Check the docs: https://osbot.org/api/org/osbot/rs07/event/WebWalkEvent.html#prefetchRequirements-org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider-
  2. You not got some other bot client forum to be on, you know one that actually manages their SDN?
  3. Realistically speaking that's never going to happen, as is retard or autistic however I do feel you either do it right or don't do it at all. Stop all the joking within the community using all these conditions or don't at all. Just my opinion however ultimately the decision is Malds to make.
  4. Using your own logic, I could go oh Dbuffed stop being autistic, without actually claiming you're disabled - what's the difference? I totally understand that, but in the grand scheme of things I feel if this is the action we're going to take why single out autism alone?
  5. I have seen and heard plenty of people refer to others as autistic during my time in school, referring to others as retarded is no different. I don't see how you can simply choose to turn a blind eye on one while not accepting another. If you generally have a problem with people conducting themselves in this way shouldn't that apply to all disabilities?
  6. I'd just like someone to explain why it's perfectly ok to call someone a retard but not autistic, please tell me what the difference in in terms of making a joke out of a disability. While I don't have a problem with people talking in this way - I'm a big boy and this is the internet, I know how to ignore what I don't want to see - I just find it very hypocritical for you to say you don't approve of people referring to others as autistic however find it perfectly alright to refer to others as retarded yourself.
  7. I just think it's very hypocritical: You do not look cool making fun of someone by comparing them to someone with a disability
  8. Checkout the second account here:
  9. I've been trying to sell it for about 3 months now
  10. Willing to let account 1 go for about 150m if you're interested.
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