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    Bill Cosbys Jail Cell

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  1. @ryandh94 your on a botting website you fucking ass clown.
  2. Awesome idea my man! Thinking of in the future maybe being able to add how long you wait to hop? And also to look for certain items only?
  3. Script doesn't do shit... just stands there and says calculating... ive tried everything different setting and all... come on man
  4. Can I get a trial kind sir!
  5. I did like 50-77 in one day then 77-81 the next day let it rest for 3 days then finished after that
  6. awesome script got me 83 con!
  7. why does it tele to varrock buy shit to build a bell run to the servants guild to hire a servant i already have and then go back to my house everytime on startup...
  8. look you know what not gonna start drama just close the thread if you wanna
  9. why is everyone so worried about meeting people off the internet? Just don't meet up at a sketchy place or go to their house? hell when I was in the military I use to find people online who were locals at some of the spots I was visiting overseas. and we'd get up chill have a beer and take a tour. people need to quit being afraid of everything now adays.
  10. why does it have to be a (he)? and not saying that they have to come spend every second of their free time no... just an hour or so maybe on the weekend or something jesus Christ go masturbate or something kiddo
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