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  1. Hello, I've just purchase your script and it works very well doing abyssal crafting with all pouch types,pure ess and ring of life equipped, using mining and agility options, walk path option 6, without using : Stamina pots Anti-bans Cooked chompy bird food option when i use the above in combination , a glitch occurs in which at : task : abyss banking - edgeville bank the script gets stuck in a loop of full pouches and inventory of pure ess , in which it will remove then add then remove then add continuosly a single pure ess Can u describe : 1).what the walk options are? 2).how to use food and stamina options setup when abyssal crafting ? 3).recomended setup to reduce bans when crafting the minimum rune type ?
  2. Bought $10.00 USD worth of  gift cards.Fast,Reliable.Ty!

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