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Trade With Caution
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Status Updates posted by Primeape

  1. you didnt fb me back :s

  2. Hey mate what's going onw ith the current rate on bot?

  3. Reply to skype please

  4. hiya :)

    1. Anne
    2. Primeape


      Re-added you on skype, forgot pass to other lol

  5. I think I got your script working! Ive ofcourse set breaks on it etc, so I don't suicide bot, got a 2 hour proggy I think it is if you want it to upload thanks again for your assistance big help!

  6. Hey any update on the bot scripts? :)

  7. R.I.P those of the 9/11.

  8. Britney for president :)

    1. Britney


      Real talk doe this shit needs to happen asap

    2. Primeape
  9. Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy :D

  10. Thank you for replying :)!

  11. Oh you was already a friend :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Primeape


      Herro my friend :D

    3. Anne


      how u doing?

    4. Primeape


      Bit depressed at the moment, got alot of stuff going on IRL since a few hours ago, you?

  12. Time for sleep me thinks, leaving website open same with skype so sorry if I don't reply!

  13. Its you :) Hows things with PB #SasukeIsA********.

    1. Britney


      Yeah who are you? And I'm permed from pb, I'm just not even going to vade it's shit. Sasuke is retarded as fuck

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