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  1. - Script name Khal Pest Control - trial length 2 days - I am looking for one to train my pures on. I was using one from p****bot but I would be better to just call jagex and tell them that I bot. Your scripts haven't let me down yet since I got Agility one. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yeah, I will post my progress also Thanks Updated my request
  2. Hope you get it back up soon, friend..
  3. Can I try Agility for 24 hours? Last one I tried I didn't care for kept getting stuck. This one looks promising. Plus there are a ton of premium ones so I want to know what works best. Thanks in advanced.
  4. Can I get trial? Thinking about buying this can't find any others that I need that work with what I want, If it works ill buy before trial is up.
  5. Tried contacting you about Pest Control testers. I have a good account I am willing to try it on and baby it the whole time. If you would like another tester that isn't just using a noob account.

    1. cheatingisfun


      Guessing you want V.I.P only. Sorry I wasted your time. Thanks for the 24 hour test.

  6. Perfect Stronghold please, Also rock crabs if possible. I will buy if they both work as expected for me. Also tried to help with your beta test on a good account. Not just some noob account. If you would like to give me the opportunity please pm me. I tried you but yours is full haha
  7. Probably be watching you IP too. If you don't have static unplug modem wait a minute or so and plug it back in.
  8. For osrs yeah. Maybe I can find someone that wants the rs3 joined in with it,
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