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  1. script works great. Just got banned from using this script though. Proceed with caution if you really want to risk it for 400k an hour without items..
  2. OSBot client version: Mirror mode (Yes/No): no Detailed bug description: Debugger says it cannot find ring of dueling 8. it will fix when i load a new duel ring in but once it teles to clan wars and makes it to the bank it logs out because its not a 7. Script Status & Current Task (As displayed in the paint): Screenshots (If available): Relevant logs (If available):
  3. then you fuck the shit up. until lately, it has been running flawlessly for 6 hours at a time. Just the rock cake eating is messed up. will only take a bite from 3~8 hp. not at 2 hp like it used to.
  4. @FruityBug Script isnt working with latest update
  5. Script isn't working with the new update. I bought this, got a maxed melee stat and working on another right now. I run it for 16 hours a day. Script isnt working with new update.
  6. I would like a trial.
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