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Everything posted by idovasquez

  1. If you're getting long bans from targets it's because you're skipping too many - I boosted a lot of T10's on an Ironman, with 5 boosters all on the same IP and didn't have an issue, the only problem I had was people finding me / ragging me, make sure you take them out all the same time you should get atleast one of them as a target, make sure you turn off deep wilderness targets as well.
  2. idovasquez


    Currently not doing 1 def 60 attack capes because of the small lag spikes teamviewer has
  3. I can watch 100 twitch streams, download updates for games etc and have 0 ping/latency issues, but as soon as I open osbot clients my ping goes to 2000+ and it makes it impossible to use, any suggestions..? This is literally just opening osbot to the login screen by the way, not like running scripts etc
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