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Everything posted by obviousnewb

  1. nvm czar i didnt need a trial, i bought it on spot lol, working great!
  2. czar i love your scripts, may i have a trial for this, please the last script i purchased (not from you though) screwed me over, and i just want to see if your able to give a me a trial before i (might) buy this thanks in advance!
  3. been using the flesh crawler part with no problem but with the minatour, been standing for like 30 minutes @ stronghold or outside of bank... i dont see any error or anything in the log :X
  4. how about hawaii time? and day ?
  5. did that VPN thing today i thought everything was going fine... till i woke up like 30 minutes ago finding my account banned T____T dang fagex im flagged for life... D:
  6. the shitty part is im am leaching internet by a random tenant haha, i dont think he will pull his modem plug out for me T_T thanks for the advice though ! you da real mvp
  7. im not a computer profesional, how do we change IP and what is VPN T___T
  8. but can someone give me any advice. i made like 3 new accounts they all get banned like 2 or 3 days later, i don't suicide bot i put breaks on all of them like play for 60-120 minutes and breaks for like 7 hours. am i flagged? or does jagex have a bot detection thats 100% knows that your botting? also does mirror mode really help for botiting? please give me some feed back thank you have a great day!
  9. Hi can anyone help me I called PayPal and they said I needed to email osbot to get my full refund of a script I just bought can someone help me out please
  10. i dont meet teh requirements ohwells imma just buy it the feed backs looks great so might aswell buy this #yolo x)
  11. may i try the trail please ?
  12. hey just bought this script, it works awesome..... till i tried making combat potions... it grabed the (unf) pots then logs out, am i doing something worng please respond to me if you have a chance thanks
  13. thansk molly if the this trial does wonders i will buyit 80% because im in a budget atm lol, but in other hands your other the hob goblins is awesome! i t hink the prices are a lil off though for the drop rates but its a good script
  14. very interested in a trial if i see it doing good stuff i'll buy for sure please lmk asap if i have a trail, thanks
  15. this script is good , but can anyone please help me out in this paypal thing i dont want to pay for this monthly anymore
  16. what if this is just a prank for april fools then again, idk maybe jagex really did this xD
  17. was it wrong to not get mad, i was actaully dancing to the music T_T
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