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  1. hey khalseel i just bought this script but it's not working properly when i craft gold bracelet it just keep click the X amount then dont enter any number then repeat. pls fix thanks so i can use it on mirror Client : mirror Mode : Gold bracelet @ port pham
  2. Thanks for the Trial :) will definitely buy the script when i got my pay.   Anyway what's the different between the 3 webwalk which one is better in your opinion. Pm me. thanks :)

    1. Czar


      the options are there just for emergency, in case the script ever breaks. So there's always a backup option which works. Very very rare for all 3 options to break so it's guaranteed stability for the script ^^ :) 

    2. bottingking1994


      ohh i see. anyway i just a student :) in computer system and security :) 

  3. anyway there is some bug. i dont know is it because of new client problem or what. the script will just walk to the void knight and not doing anything. this occurred either when u just start the script or when it run afew run then it bug there. please check. i running mirror mode and also just a question. does mirror mode dismiss random. from what i experience is no.
  4. hi everyone, i just realize there was this problem in the newer version of osbot mirror client. it does not dismiss random which i think is a potential threat resulting in ban. this is my first time using osbot mirror client. last time i was using the previous version stealth injection which dismiss the random. So guy any idea why mirror dont dismiss?
  5. LOL but majority is just leeching which is the cold hard truth.
  6. i just got unban from temp ban 2 day ago for botting 9hr straight with 2hr break with 10min rest.. using sleath injection.. stop giving people trial. is so unfair to us buyer
  7. hi @Czar there is some bug at canifis roof agility course, It will prepare and click on the future click(left click menu) when it is not on that roof yet(after going up tree). i think this is quite dangerous because it cause alot of "i can't reach that" text on the chat. maybe it's a bug..pls check it out. thanks what causes this bug : when the script didnt detect : yayy canafis step 1!! then they will try to click the next roof jump option
  8. @Czar does this Script pick mark of grace? ...if doesn't please implement...i already buy 2 script from u. thanks for the wonderful script
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