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Everything posted by SparkyKnows

  1. Getting a stable connection isnt really an option where i live but im fine to just wait until there is no one else using the internet and it works fine, is there any way you could add an afk like setting, similar to what you have on your AIO Cooker. That seems to work perfectly and i feel that is such an amazing setting. Thanks for getting back so swiftly. Look forward to plenty of future updates and many more hours of botting
  2. Ive got a fair bit of lag on my connection and i keep running to a problem where the game will lag ever so briefly and the script will see this as i have stopped smithing all together so it decided to try and start smithing again. Defiantly a dead giveaway for my acc, also can you add a checker to make sure that the quest tourist trap has been completed if you try to make dart tips, or at least a warning somewhere on the script, love the work, look forward to many more updates and many more smithing levels
  3. So dont know if you are aware but if you are being attacked by a ranger/mager that is offscreen it will cause an error or something and leads to you standing there just taking the hits forever not fighting back
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