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  1. Can you add it so that for nature rune quest cape method will right click and use the ckr teleport right from the legend's guild instead?
  2. Getting this error now with v57 after it teleports with the quest cape: [iNFO][bot #1][12/30 08:30:05 PM]: [NORMAL] Cycle error: java.lang.NullPointerException at java.util.LinkedList.addAll(Unknown Source) at java.util.LinkedList.addAll(Unknown Source) at perfect.scripting.c.COM1.k(fl:262) at perfect.scripting.c.COM1.k(fl:347) at perfect.scripting.c.COM1.k(fl:482) at perfect.scripting.a.d.Con.K(vi:6) at perfect.scripting.a.d.Con.k(vi:601) at perfect.scripting.a.d.Con.C(vi:125) at perfect.scripting.a.d.Con.k(vi:835) at perfect.scripting.a.d.Con.F(vi:612) at b.b.b.a.aUX.M(gb:209) at b.b.CoM1.E(tc:61) at b.COn.onLoop(bd:226) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(bj:80) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  3. Also, can you explain walking paths? Which one should I be using for quest cape cosmic crafting and which for ZMI?
  4. Running the script is very laggy when abyss running is there a solution? Also I figured out that the quest cape method once it teleports to the legends guild that if it is in a certain camera angle, it can't detect the fairy ring.
  5. I'm also having an issue where after a while of using cosmic runes with quest cape method, when it teleports with the quest cape, itll just stand there and do nothing. Am I supposed to choose a certain path in the beginning?
  6. Can you please add agility shortcut for cosmic runes?
  7. Does this support cosmic rune running via Quest Cape + Agility shortcuts?
  8. Does this support cosmic rune running via Quest Cape + Agility shortcuts?
  9. Using seers teleport method, it seems like over a course of time that I leave the bot on and come back it is inside the seers bank up the ladder instead and cannot continue. Readyclick is not on if it matters.
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