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Posts posted by mank

  1. 3 hours ago, Fruity said:

    Tis something i want to add at some point along with progressive leveling, will see what i can do today

    You had me at progressive leveling, haha! Thanks so much for the quick response. :)

  2. 14 minutes ago, andrew231654 said:

    I just dont wanna waste $20 on a script i havent had a trial for and to seems like the owner never responds.


    I took the risk of buying it a few days ago, the only issue I have noticed was with the mirror mode. After switching to injection I was able to complete all quests. I hope that helps you make a decision. :)

  3. 1 hour ago, andrew231654 said:

    Is anyone having problems with any of the mith glove pre requirements and quests? Want to know before buying.

    I had no issues while using injection, it seems like mirror mode gets this messed up for a few quests. Good luck!

  4. 4 hours ago, cryptokleij said:

    can i please get a trial?

    also, does this bot have the option to kill NPC's with a cannon while being passive? to not gain HP exp?

    for example cannoning rockcrabs, just reloading the cannon and waking up the crabs, not actually attacking the crabs himself.


    You could just turn auto-retaliate off and equip a bow without arrows to do this, there might be other ways to accomplish this also.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 hours ago, theodt said:

    Just bought this along with osbot vip wil show a proggy !

    Hope this script will get me some gains!

    It definitely will, enjoy it, man!

    • Boge 1
  6. 1 hour ago, imyaj123 said:

    So far I've managed to max a rigour tank, a 1 def pure, max melee main and almost maxed a zerk using this script, it's amazing and I've never received a single ban. When set up correctly it can run 10 hours straight and still avoid detection, it's my most used script on OSBot and I full recommend.

    Any tips on Dharoking with this?

  7. 14 minutes ago, Abysm said:

    You should babysot this bot, couldnt complete lost coty, tree gnome village or fight arena on its own because it ran out of runes and tried to use mage safespot when I had melee gear? I believe this script used to buy runes for best spell earlier I used it but now it seems to have some problems

    I would definitely recommend babysitting, however, when I used it yesterday it bought the runes I needed. Are you using mirror or injection? I had some weird issues with mirror mode myself.

  8. I have an issue starting the script outside of a dream. It keeps attempting to switch worlds, but doesn't click on a world and ends up idling. I have looked in the settings and don't see anything checked for world switching, which is weird. If I manually start a dream and start it then it works amazing.

  9. 49 minutes ago, n0thing said:

    This script is the best I have used. Maxed multiple accounts with it at like 85+ Hour proggies non stop and never caught a ban. I got a 2 day on my new pure the other day but that could be a delayed ban from something else? Definitely buy the script though it's 100% worth the money

    I will take your word and buy it, thanks so much man.

  10. 15 minutes ago, Pali said:

    Where’s token? He hasn’t replied to this thread in ages. Does the script still work? Need to use it for my new pure

    It does work, I have had a few issues with mirror mode, however, using stealth injection makes it run flawlessly. 

  11. I bought this, it's very awesome. However, it is pretty bot like. The camera positions are static unless it's clicking on an NPC, however, it does get the job done. I would really like to see a more fluid camera, have it look in the direction of where it's walking to.

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