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  1. Some people mentioned earlier that it is possible add GSON or similar libraries using tricks to get around client permissions. If you could give me a step-by-step guide for intelliJ or Eclipse and post a time and place, I will be there to suck your dick. I would love to get around using SimpleJSON because I can't for the life of me get it to read a local .json file I generate. Also, I have SimpleJSON working to generate a local .json file of data that I want to store. However, when I want to read the file I can't seem to debug a null pointer exception even though I've verified the bot sees the file and is in the right directory. If anyone has a snippet of code they got to work to read a .json file, time-place-dicksucking etc...
  2. String y = widget.getSpellName(); String x = stripFormatting(y);
  3. Edit: Nevermind, got it working. Many thanks, Computron Sensei.
  4. I should have thought of that. Thanks for saving me 2 hours of frustration. This works perfectly, except I get the junk that is included (for the text color?) that is also included in the Spell Name. This may be a stupid question, but anyway to trim the output? For example, when I tried it on my friend list widget for "SparcMac" it returned "<col=ff9040>SparcMac</col>"
  5. I'm currently trying to get and print out a widget name from a third-level widget. For example, I want to get the player name from the widget for a player added to my friend list (let's say this widget address is 432, 6, 1). I can get the first, second, and third level ID's printed out (432, 6, 1) but that's not what I want. I want the actual player name to be what is returned. The field for the widget query that contains the player name is "Message". Alternatively, the field "Spell Name" also lists the player name for this third-level widget. Anyone have any idea how to do this or a snippet of code that might work/has worked?
  6. Is there any way to access, print out, or read the "Message" or "Spell Name" of a widget (third level)? That's the first hurdle I'm hitting here.
  7. Alright, thanks guys. I'll let you know if I come across something that works well based on suggestions.
  8. I'm attempting to make a script to make and curate a database of usernames from friends/ignore lists using SQLITE. Is SQLITE supported at this time (outside libraries)? Also, any advice on the endeavor?
  9. Thanks, looking forward to cosmic fix
  10. cosmic altar (recently all walk modes, definitely still on walking mode 1) still has a walking issue when not using the shorcuts because of the map loading areas around the loop (one going to altar near tip of loop and one coming back to bank and end of loop). Please fix.
  11. correct, please do this for dark crabs. or has this been done yet? Also, still no resource area location for the fish bot =(. or do I use lummy or another loc and select dark crabs?
  12. Just runes (using tiara); no pouches. Tried all walkers, same result with all that work. I am using the agility shortcut (if that matters). No food, pots, etc.
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