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  1. No it is linked to your osbot account, you can then pull it up in the client.
  2. Does any one have any information with main interaction with bot farms. For example using bonds on bots to get membership from main account or trading bonds to bots from main or giving starting cash to bot from main. Would appreciate your opinions. Also how safe is it to buy vouchers from main account? Would you be better off trading the gp to a lvl 3 mule and then making the exchange?
  3. Is it me or does the script do alot of double clicking on a rock? Edit: also kept trying to mine even though inventory was full aswell.
  4. That works, but why do I not need to initialize a player object or anything? Like i just need to call the myposition() method and i get my characters position, where does that information come from? Also where do i look in the API to find other methods that pertain to my character?
  5. New member here, mainly c developer, newer to java, looking to make a cow killing script to warm up. I have read the API. Using state based scripting, my question is how do I get to check if my character is within a define area assuming I have an area defined. psuedo code for attacking: if( in cow pen area ) { if( not in combat ) { if( cow is not in combat) { return State.ATTACK; } } }
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