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Posts posted by dieg0

  1. 12 hours ago, DyQuest said:

    Idk anyone doing mm for 8m+ unless that account is sub 43 prayer. 

    Average price is 2.5-4m.

    I dont get how people think MM is hard its just a bunch of running. when you have 43 prayer it can be done without dieing on 10hp.

    Dont understand why the hc ironmen and streamers try to safespot when they have 37 prayer its al you need.

    just a long tedious quest lol.

    OT: do people really pay 4m for MM? gotta set up a service for it then lol.

  2. Hi im selling my latest pure low combat g maul rusher

    Has mith gloves, DT done, guthix book and bandos book.

    with 48 member days left its ready to go!!

    [http://imgur.com/a/qb59t for picture ] now combat 43 with 32 hp.


    1. Pictures of the account stats see above
        2. Pictures of the login details see above
        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) empty except untradeables and quest items.
        4. Pictures of the quests completed see above
        5. The price you will be starting bids at

        6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account

    50m ( will take less for this amount will be instand, because of the member days left ) all done with bonds.
        7. The methods of payment you are accepting

        8. Your trading conditions

    you go first, if trusted i will go first. else middle men at your expense.
        9. Pictures of the account status

    had a 2day ban for thieving ( hate that skill )
       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

    Im the OO. no email is set will be changed into yours.

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