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Posts posted by dieg0

  1. currently doing 10-13 hours a day on an account.

    currently 83/90 agility. and just got pet! the script is kinda hot, buy only on lower courses from seers and up works just fine. Never been banned using it for longer hours from seers course. 
    At the lower courses i noticed if u do it max 30-60mins a day with breaks ur fine. anything more high chance of being banned. ( im to lazy to keep using VPN or IP change ).

    ( if anyone wants to know i run it for around 40 mins and 7-10mins break put on random time ).

  2. to be honest progressive has never worked for me.

    It build a few chairs, and then just walks towards portal ( still in building mode. )

    tried restarting- going to cw without changing inventory and does the same. over and over.

  3. Loving the script. 

    only when in catacombs im trying to kill fire giants.

    Sometimes it will randomly attack a dark beast. ( i dont have high enough slayer to damage it ).
    And just stands there sipping prayer potions. not sure what triggers it.

    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:31:48 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:31:48 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: Special change from (100) to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "102"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20044"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:31 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "103"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:32 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:32:39 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has paused!

    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:04 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has resumed!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:05 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:05 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:06 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:06 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:07 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:07 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=1626, y=10063, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/20 10:35:08 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20040"

    im only using prayer option and looting dark totem pieces.

    • Like 1
  4. well gf account is going to be banned for sure lol.

    did nmz preset. from fresh lvl 3. with 10 fletching and 29 smithing for tourist trap.

    during grand tree keeps spamming the npc to enter while already helped the npc. ( just use spirit trees for this? )

    keeps dieing to demon. after that runs back to door trying to enter for past hour oh well.


    NFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 130
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Setting autocast
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Error executing event : org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent@34ff5f
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.WidgetDestination.isVisible(lj:158)
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent.execute(rk:80)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(vj:139)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(vj:170)
        at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(gf:369)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:40)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:123)
        at api.lPT3.I(yf:67)
        at i.eB.I(um:735)
        at api.CON.I(oh:204)
        at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
        at api.CON.I(oh:33)
        at api.Com4.I(ig:194)
        at l.NuL.A(dj:79)
        at api.con.I(hn:103)
        at j.NuL.onLoop(ag:149)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:276)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 130
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Setting autocast
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Error executing event : org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent@8ef542
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.WidgetDestination.isVisible(lj:158)
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent.execute(rk:80)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(vj:139)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(vj:170)
        at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(gf:369)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:40)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:123)
        at api.lPT3.I(yf:67)
        at i.eB.I(um:735)
        at api.CON.I(oh:204)
        at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
        at api.CON.I(oh:33)
        at api.Com4.I(ig:194)
        at l.NuL.A(dj:79)
        at api.con.I(hn:103)
        at j.NuL.onLoop(ag:149)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:276)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 130
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Setting autocast
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:03 PM]: Error executing event : org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent@9595f9
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.WidgetDestination.isVisible(lj:158)
        at org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.ClickMouseEvent.execute(rk:80)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor$2.run(vj:139)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.EventExecutor.execute(vj:170)
        at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.execute(gf:369)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:40)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Mouse.click(qm:123)
        at api.lPT3.I(yf:67)
        at i.eB.I(um:735)
        at api.CON.I(oh:204)
        at java.util.ArrayList.forEach(Unknown Source)
        at api.CON.I(oh:33)
        at api.Com4.I(ig:194)
        at l.NuL.A(dj:79)
        at api.con.I(hn:103)
        at j.NuL.onLoop(ag:149)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(yl:276)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 130
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG] Executing stage: 130
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: Talking to Femi
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: Talking to Femi
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:04 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:05 PM]: [DEBUG][TELEPORTS] Attempting to teleport
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:06 PM]: walking to position [x=2461, y=3381, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:06 PM]: walking to position [x=2461, y=3381, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:08 PM]: destination: [x=2461, y=3381, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:08 PM]: destination: [x=2461, y=3381, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: Terminating script Stealth Quester...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: WebWalkingEvent; Terminated!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: webwalkevent status: FAILED
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: webwalkevent status: FAILED
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:36:58 PM]: eating thread exited
    [WARN][Bot #1][02/10 10:37:03 PM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now...
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:37:03 PM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:37:04 PM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor
    [ERROR][Bot #1][02/10 10:37:04 PM]: Caught thread death in EventExecutor
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/10 10:37:04 PM]: Script Stealth Quester has exited!

  5. doesnt matter what settings.

    range, put safespot. just walks in and gets rekt.

    If i do fighting bounds, it does not attack at all. and still walks in.

    after attacking does not run back to safespot. even if i use the smart safespot.

    when i use only stay fighting zone. it barely attacks and when it does ignores the safespot.

    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:06 AM]: Command (ss_cannon_tile_z) changed from () to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:07 AM]: "hide_paint" changed to "1"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_x" changed to "3087"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_x) changed from () to (3087)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_y" changed to "9968"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_y) changed from () to (9968)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_z" changed to "0"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_z) changed from () to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:08 AM]: "hide_paint" changed to "0"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_x" changed to "0"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_x) changed from (0) to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_y" changed to "0"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_y) changed from (0) to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: "ss_afk_tile_z" changed to "0"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:11 AM]: Command (ss_afk_tile_z) changed from (0) to (0)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:15 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "4"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:15 AM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:25 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3086, y=9961, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:25 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20105"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:43 AM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "5"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:43 AM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20105"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:46 AM]: [FFA1] Fighting target at [x=3089, y=9955, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:46 AM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/08 08:47:54 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has paused!

    • Like 1
  6. Lots of time i just does nothing at all using most basic settings only npc, and prayer selected. ( not using safespot ).

    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:37 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:38 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:39 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:39 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:40 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:40 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:41 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:42 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:42 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:43 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:43 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:44 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:45 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:45 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:46 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:46 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:47 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:48 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:48 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:49 PM]: Special change from (80) to (90)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 02:41:49 PM]: Added event (Special attack action)!


    just stands around. ( safespotting barely works just stands away from it getting dmgd )

    it just does not run towards safespot. even if safe spot option is being used.
    it stands near npc gets wrecked eats till npc dies and then walks to safespot.

    INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:34:52 PM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20105"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:34:52 PM]: [FFA4-BOUNDS] Fighting target at [x=3088, y=9959, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:34:52 PM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:14 PM]: Added event (Low health action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:14 PM]: Special change from (10) to (20)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:15 PM]: Added event (Low health action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:15 PM]: Added event (Low health action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:16 PM]: Added event (Low health action)!
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:17 PM]: Removing event (Low health action) now that it is complete...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:18 PM]: Returning combat to attacker...
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:18 PM]: [FFA4-BOUNDS] Fighting target at [x=3087, y=9963, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:18 PM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:26 PM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "12"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:26 PM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:39 PM]: [FFA4-BOUNDS] Fighting target at [x=3087, y=9959, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:39 PM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20105"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:35:45 PM]: Special change from (20) to (30)
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:36:06 PM]: "ss_kill_counter" changed to "13"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:36:06 PM]: "slayer_npc_finish" changed to "20105"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:36:08 PM]: [FFA4-BOUNDS] Fighting target at [x=3089, y=9957, z=0]
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:36:08 PM]: "var_attacked_npc" changed to "20108"
    [INFO][Bot #1][02/07 01:36:15 PM]: Special change from (30) to (40)


    • Like 1
  7. Kills just fine, but it does not loot.

    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: Killed The Money Snake - Resetting
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [TaskHandler] Switching to the Restart Task List
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Zulrah Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [Snakelinglistener] sleep interrupted
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Cloud Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Camera
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [Snakelinglistener] sleep interrupted
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Snakeling Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [LootItem] Name Set To: Swamp tar
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:18 PM]: [LootItem] ID Set To: 1939
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/31 07:23:24 PM]: [DynamicSignature] Successfully submitted Kill Time.

    only took scales and then does nothing.

  8. 1 hour ago, EPLS said:

    Progress log has always been a hit or miss for me, mostly a hit though. Sometimes it'll stay at 0 or won't update until a minute or two after a kill.


    Late levels (up to 85) I did curse + alching, crazy XP per hour. I believe Perfect Magic got me banned, but I also used the same account at drags in wildy before the ban. Can't say for sure.

    Really depends where you use it.

  9. not sure what happens, it had 3 food left 47 hp killed zulrah as zulrah died teleported out before drop =/

    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Enabled Zulrah Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Enabled Cloud Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Enabled Snakeling Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Enabled Camera
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Switching to the Restart Task List
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Zulrah Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [Snakelinglistener] sleep interrupted
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Cloud Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Camera
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [Snakelinglistener] sleep interrupted
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:32 PM]: [TaskHandler] Disabled Snakeling Listener
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/27 09:40:34 PM]: Killed The Money Snake - Resetting

  10. On 15-1-2018 at 10:25 AM, anona1 said:

    Seems bot doesn't want to start basement cyclopes at all. It just opens and then closes the bank and logs out after starting script :/

    Im having the same issue doesnt matter what you press.

    [DEBUG][01/26 09:11:11 AM]: Launching script...
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:11 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:14 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:19 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:23 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:24 AM]: Loaded Granite hammer as main weapon
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:24 AM]: Loaded Armadyl full helm
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:24 AM]: Loaded Fighter torso
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:24 AM]: Loaded Armadyl platelegs
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:24 AM]: Loaded font
    [INFO][01/26 09:11:25 AM]: Started script : Khal Warriors Guild
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:11:26 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:12:03 AM]: Stopping script - Sardine found
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:12:05 AM]: Terminating script Khal Warriors Guild...
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:12:06 AM]: Successfully updated signature.
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:12:06 AM]: Script Khal Warriors Guild has exited!
    [DEBUG][01/26 09:12:55 AM]: Loading script id : 696
    [DEBUG][01/26 09:12:56 AM]: Loaded script!
    [DEBUG][01/26 09:12:56 AM]: Launching script...
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:12:56 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers!
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:00 AM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:04 AM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:08 AM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:09 AM]: Loaded Granite hammer as main weapon
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:09 AM]: Loaded Armadyl full helm
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:09 AM]: Loaded Fighter torso
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:09 AM]: Loaded Armadyl platelegs
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:09 AM]: Loaded font
    [INFO][01/26 09:13:10 AM]: Started script : Khal Warriors Guild
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:11 AM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:50 AM]: Stopping script - Rune defender found
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:52 AM]: Terminating script Khal Warriors Guild...
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:53 AM]: Successfully updated signature.
    [INFO][Bot #1][01/26 09:13:53 AM]: Script Khal Warriors Guild has exited!

    decided to do farm rune defenders instead in just 8 mins allready 2 drops lol


  11. I recently completed my rune pure project.
    It has unlocked veng, ancients, avas, torso, defender, B gloves. It has 1250 pest control points ( need 22 prayer to be able to buy pieces ) 10m nmz points!
    Reason for 16 prayer is extra accuracy increase with prayer.
    Fully quested attack and defence. And it has an username logg in.

    It's for sale untill 25th after that will be turned into a main.

    It's clean, something new since 50 attack using granite hammer, or just range and pull out the old g maul. combat 79


    They must have the following criteria in their thread: 

        3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) : what its wearing 

        5. The price you will be starting bids at

        6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account

    Not sure will accept good offer when i see one.
        7. The methods of payment you are accepting

    07 gp
        8. Your trading conditions

    you go first.
       10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address

    Im the OO its an username logg in. my personal email is tied with it, will be changed into yours.

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