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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Yunis

  1. Yunis

    PC Range pure

    do i actualy need 100??
  2. 60 range 1 def. Pm me if your interested in these specifications -No email -No account warnings
  3. It's not in demand but it has a high price probably around 30m
  4. No email 53 range 1 def
  5. Yunis

    PC pure

    Wow pures are heavily in demand these days aye?
  6. Yunis

    PC pure

    1 def 60 range no quests.
  7. [iNFO][bot #1][11/24 02:55:13 AM]: Green dragon had died! waiting for loot... [iNFO][bot #1][11/24 02:55:17 AM]: Started Looting Task: true [iNFO][bot #1][11/24 02:57:31 AM]: Script Excellent Dragons has paused! [WARN][bot #1][11/24 02:57:36 AM]: Event executor is taking too long to suspend; terminating now... [iNFO][bot #1][11/24 02:57:37 AM]: Script Excellent Dragons has resumed! bot stalls (sometimes) when using looting bad but the other time it works well.
  8. sweet dude btw recently the bot started stalling unless i restarted the script. It's like an old car now i have to crank it a few times before it starts annoying but managible
  9. Hey Chris so lately your green dragon bot is flawless now bro anyway im kinda asking for a big favour but a while back there was a gdk osbot that had support for re-gearing for gdk after death. Could you please add support for re-gearing when i die?
  10. The problim is it gets in the gate but then goes out and says on the status entering the doungin and it just goes backwards.
  11. Sorry dude the bot gets stuck at the gate to enter blue dragons its an easy fix just ask the scripter and i will test it out for you
  12. I have a low level pure its so fun dude 40atk 40 str 40 range interested?
  13. Sorry dude i mean't it gets stuck outside gamers grotto not inside and then proceeds to not move.
  14. Script gets stuck outside gamers grotto it doesn't move. New bug now it doesn't eat food for some reason i checked i was using the right food. Also it gets stuck at the bank when i select the option looting pouch even though i have the looting pouch in my bank.
  15. It wonders off when it is teliblocked true but i i've seen it multiple times not teli without being teliblock with the ring of dueling.
  16. Question umm how do i download 7.23 becuase its not updating its still on 7.22 also i found out why it walks to taverly basicly it doesnt clicking the dueling ring to the castle wars it just starts walking to taverly also the bot works but somtimes it doesnt understand it has a dueling ring.
  17. New update on the error i found it walking to Taverly juicy it must be fishing lobsters for me. http://imgur.com/a/s04C4 check this image out mind blowing
  18. This script is buggy i just bought today so i set it up for green dragons near grave yard and it sometimes uses the ring of dueling to teleport and sometimes it just wanders of for no reason. -i have over 40 rings and games of necklace so that's not the problim -i have deathwalk of please help me out or give me a refund
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