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Everything posted by George8

  1. If you feel a refund is out of the question, would you consider making this script more ironman friendly? Maybe make it so that the purchasing of planks is unnecessary if there are already planks in the bank.
  2. hey I probably should have read more carefully before purchasing this, is it possible to get a refund? I didn't want to wait to get a trial so i bought. I've got an ironman account and teak planks are the only planks that are efficient to make so I've got a bunch of those. Started the bot in Fally bank with nothing except noted teak planks. The bot does exactly what its supposed to, deposits everything and goes to Varrock to buy supplies. If you don't know how an ironman works, its an account that's unable to trade so buying any supplies is out of the question. And so I have a bot I purchased that wont ever work for me.
  3. thanks for help! looking forward to new version
  4. should i try to install the client again? I recharged prayer/other stats using clan wars, returned with no success. I enabled ranging mode and my character attacked while wielding a shortbow. Tried ranging mode with scimitar, didnt work for me. I checked the log and no errors show up.
  5. - What is the bug does not attack/stuck doing nothing. - How did you make the bug happen attempted fighting falador guards. - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? yes - Normal script or a plugin? normal - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. none of the options are enabled. I start the bot, pick walk setting 1, choose the npc to fight. Choose the items to loot. Tick the box for prioritize loot and begin the bot. Few failed attempts. When the bot starts it clicks to the inventory page then ends operation. Edit: Attempted using a fight zone, didn't work.
  6. I think yes. I've been typing in 'clue scroll (med'. It usually has the rest highlighted after 'clue scroll (m'. and I choose the highlighted option. I follow the same process for the other item being picked up. 'nat' highlights 'nature rune' and I choose the highlighted option.
  7. - What is the bug does not pick up medium clue scroll. - How did you make the bug happen fighting falador guards. - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something - Tried client restart? yes - Normal script or a plugin? normal - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. none of the options are enabled. I have it so it goes into combat with guards and picks up two items, one of the items gets looted. The other is the medium clue scroll, does not get looted.
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