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  1. Hi I was wondering if anyone was having the same issue as me?, I can login using the client then i lagg like crazy b4 i dc and cannot login again, using osbuddy on my main I have no issues though, and was also wondering on an eta of everything going back to normal, or if its just jagex problem with there servers atm and were all still waiting on them? thanks
  2. Would i be able to get a few hr trial?
  3. Future updates possible looting bag support?
  4. Can i get a few hour trial just to see current profit/h for my account? super interested if i can make 300k/h
  5. Running Brutal black dragon plugin my bot runs to bank and sits there, I am attempting to run on a 1 def pure what items does the script require to be in the bank? what bolts food gear does it use?
  6. Hi was wondering what items i need in bank or be wearing for brutal black pluggin to function, as of now my 1 def pure runs to bank and sit there logger says web walker cannot find destination
  7. Can anyone tell me how well this works with brutal blacks on a pure with around 80 range?
  8. So I think this is the bot for me i Love this script no affence to the other auto fighter but this setup is easily done basically a setup for dumbies so perfect for me , Just would like to know gear setups for brutal blacks and greens for pures having issues trying to safe spot on blue dragons but great so far and flawless for melee training on my pure if I could get some profile saves sent to me from anyone for good training spots for hybrid pures id greatly appreciate it, definatly purchasing this script when i move here in 2 weeks and have the internet to run all night lol A++++++ scripting
  9. Can any1 confrim blue dragon camping with range or brutal black dragons? or even lava dragons?
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