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  1. I lost VIP status after I canceled reoccurring payments. I would please like VIP back. Here is proof:
  2. Read the third line. Edit: Through OSBot and PayPal. Last time I canceled through OSBot and not PayPal I was still charged the next month (for FrostBarrows) so I learned my lesson to also cancel through PayPal. I would really appreciate getting VIP back.
  3. I am VIP but I can't load mirror mode. I have had VIP for a couple weeks now and mirror mode has worked just fine. Note: I just canceled reoccurring on my VIP, but it said that I would keep my benefits until the expiration date. Can anybody please help? I would really appreciate getting VIP back.
  4. Same here man. Id rather have a refund for the rc script though until it works on mirror mode.
  5. There is a bug with the OSBot client that I believe should really be fixed. I'm not entirely sure how this hasn't been fixed already but here it is. If you are VIP and have access to mirrored mode everything works fine, you can run multiple bots, etc. However, if you attempt to run multiple injection bots it will tell you that you are not VIP and therefore the bot terminates on you, stopping all your active scripts. This should not happen if your account is VIP. Simply add a check that does this. You may be asking yourself, why is he running injection if he has mirrored? Well, ask Khaleesi that. His Runecrafting bot does not work in mirrored mode. Here is proof: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/104350-npe-on-getting-an-object/ This means that I, and others who are using the script, are required to use injection mode. This means that I, and others, are not able to run another bot at the same time because you are only able to have one injection client at a time. The same applies for if you open another client in mirrored mode. The bots will close on you. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but here are my steps: 1. I open an injection client and run Khaleesi's Runecrafting script. Then I open up another client in mirrored mode (because you can't open mirrored in another "Bot" tab in the same client for some reason). I run all my bots that I want in the mirrored client. 2. Then, about 10 minutes later, all my bots terminate and all the scripts stop and I get a message saying they were terminated because I am not VIP. As you can see I'm VIP. Can this please get fixed?
  6. I would really appreciate this getting fixed or I will have to ask for a refund. I can't run multiple bots because of this error in your script. If I run an injection client (so your script actually works) then I am not able to run another bot because I am not in "VIP" mode (mirrored). This is severely hurting my XP and GP p/hr because I can only either run your bot by itself, or run every bot except yours.
  7. - Mirror client - Running air runes - Pure essence - Script gets a null pointer and freezes as soon as it enters the air altar.
  8. - Regular client - Running Fire runes with RoD - Small pouch and pure essence - Logger says that break was enabled. The script just hangs and stops moving. This is after like 30 seconds of run time. It never enters the fire altar, it just sits in front of it. Note: I have NO break conditions set.
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