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  1. If i would have known better, I wouldn't have even clicked on this thread.
  2. Yeah not quite sure what the issue was because it recognized the input
  3. Wonderful script! Only thing was when I was trying to use combat potions it would only take 2 out at a time, wouldn't take any more out of the bank. Not sure what the issue was. Wish I had a proggy but got perma'd while using it(NOT A REFLECTION ON THE SCRIPT. GOD KNOWS WHAT ACTUALLY TRIGGERED THE BAN[Maybe botting 120+ hours a week LOL]...but that's the chance you take while botting (: )
  4. Can I get a trial? Will post proggy(s) and feedback (:
  5. Test #1...same account. it was doing well, for some reason I'm not entirely sure if it was the settings i used or what but it seemed to sit around and not do anything. After i just messed around on the starting spot( I was starting near the crabs on east...then I decided to start in the forest south where the black unicorn is and then it started to work fine.) Training STR with 40 ATK, no potions or tabs. Just going back and forth to the bank with tuna available. Good script when it wants to work. NOTE: I only had a 24hr trial period with this script, first impressions were eh...when it wasn't working(probably my fault/settings I chose)...WHEN IT WORKS, IT WORKS, NO ISSUES. I appreciate the trial, will look into buying this for future account(s).
  6. Request Template: - Script name : Rock Crabs - trial length: 48 hours or 24? Either one is fine with me. - Reason for trial: Never bought a script...want to compare free/paid for ones. - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? yes, will even post Proggy(s).
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