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  1. so are you saying you're trusted? like all you've done is bought services like lol
  2. account also has agility pet at 31 agility is that worth much?
  3. i never sell on these gay sites only on pa where I'm trusted plus this is a price check I'm not even seling
  4. how much can i get for this its fully quested and its meele based
  5. i don't need any gear i have enough rsgp thanks tho
  6. i can do 15-18 for that if u get it 80/80 ill pay way more
  7. looking for a f2p 40 attack 80 str 80 range waterfall done 1 pray paying in 07 no email set
  8. black chins isn't banking for me whenever I'm low on traps usually less than 6 it'll lay one down and pick up etc...... never seen it bank for me
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