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Trade With Caution
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  1. Ayy turns out it was all just a misunderstanding. So her name is Ann Lee Linga, Lee ended up being her middle name and due to culture or something, over where she lives if you do something bad or naughty or some shit you say your middle name as well as your first idk. Anyway she proved with photo ID and birth certs and whos in the house. House owners are under her step brother & his wife & kids in order to protect her as ordered by police, showed evidence of that, and same shit with all the social media, all the police.
  2. Pretty much this. Only thing is, she's legit gorgeous and no pre recorded stuff and it's all legit on the moving camera through her phone, like shes shown me out in the car, in the house, outside, conversations etc, so she looks like she says and all. I feel like it's all an alias because she got stalked in the past from some guy in a game and freaked her out to not live at her address for a week at some point, so maybe she wen't ham and just removed everything about her and asked past owners to appear as current owners or something. I really don't know.
  3. So i've been dating this girl for the better part of 7 odd months, i'm in australia and she's in washington. Lets say for example that her name is Ann. Now, she's 27 right, and she's proven what she looks like, gotten on the camera etc, she looks who she is and all that right. Same shit with her house and address. In the past she has said that her last name, for example, is Lee. So Ann Lee. In the past she was stalked on a game to the point where someone found out where she lived etc, and she also told me a cancer story of when she was 19/20 (no I haven't asked for evidence but she said I could). So naturally, I try to look her up on FB and other social media platforms, she is NOWHERE. I asked and shes like I dont have facebook or anything like that (of course). Also she has her brother and his 2 sons living in her house, so 4 people. We bought some server for a game and she put in her details and I ask for log ins so i can mess with settings and shit, anyway being the snoopy fuck I am, her name in there was Ann Kimbo for example, instead of Ann Lee. Now i'm sitting here going it's possible that this could just be an alias so that the company doesn't know her name. But in the same breath, I can't find Ann Lee anywhere, nor can I find Ann Kimbo. On this website she has her address which matches up too, along with her phone number (landline) which matches up with the address too. (Even though she said she has no phone but has a landline). So I did some hours of searching and shit on who lives at her address, and like 10 different sources come up with these names for example: - 4 People, 3 Males, 1 Female. Brandon Linga, Lisa Linga, Brolly Linga & Jake Linga (for example). Now Brandon & Lisa are supposedly over their 50's and Brolly/Jake in their 20's. Naturally then I did research on this Lisa Linga person who lives at her address and is the only female out of the 4 people in the household right, turns out she had a cancer go fund me page or some shit in the past. So now i'm sus as fuck. Outside that there is NOTHING on this Lisa linga person other then she lives there and has a second address as well. I start checking out Brandon Linga, he has facebook, looks old and stuff, but hasn't got an Ann or Lisa added on the facebook. Anyway, I backtraced the landline number that was on the website I logged into with her information she gave me & the number was listed and matched up with this Brandon Linga 100%. Now this is the part that makes zero fucking sense because i've seen her on camera multiple times and she is not 50 and shes legit 27. So i'm confused. Wtf do I do? How do I know Ann is even her name? It could be kimberly for all I know. How do I know she is lying about her last name? Like. How do I know this isn't all an Alias and she isn't married to some 30 year old guy, and has 2 kids aged like 5 or 6 or whatever if she's 27 and i'm just this internet tool, and these guys are the previous owners of the house or something. Right now I feel like my only option or next move is to just call the number and see what the fuck happens. Help, my heads going in fucking circles. Cheers.
  4. For clarification Jason P is Master00j. I don't know if the other guy (the one that actually worked on my account, even though I was told 2 people would 10-12 hours a day, within 7-14 days completion). Also the talk about free bonds etc, I had 14 days membership on the account when I gave it to them, so to pull it on me that im getting free membership because THEY messed up is ludicrous. They put a bond on there (without telling me ofc) because they had to in order to continue. The chat about the items and potions and food, I offered at the very beginning and asked what you needed or if you needed me to put anything on there, I also paid high price for the service, which is why I went with you in the first place. So again, trying to put that on me as if it was some favour is just pathetic.
  5. Hey, we're in completely opposite timezones, so that doesn't help much. I mean, refund on xp, ok that is expected, and the compensation for lying to me, misleading me, and dicking me around for a month (also locking me out of my account essentially with the false hope it would actually get done) is a bond. A bond. Personally I think something should happen here, because what you did was plain wrong, no service owner should do this and just be like hey sorry, here's a bond. Like. What on earth, to me it honestly feels like you think nothings wrong and you're just trying to swat the fly and move on. What if you do this to other people? What if someone else has had this done to them? It's not ok in my opinion, lying, misleading, exaggerating, not delivering service A) Completed, B) On time. Honestly I think i'm entitled to a full refund for all of this dicking around that i've had to go through. Your worker having irl issues is one thing, but you specifically conning me to get me into your service for multiple reasons just to get money out of me is not ok.
  6. Disputed member: @Master00j Thread Link: Explanation: I ordered a service almost a month ago, was told it would take 1-2 weeks multiple times. Was told before hand that 2 people would be working on my account and 10-12 hours daily between them, which is the whole reason I went with them. 2 weeks came by and the excuses started to roll in, not long later, zero communication and the account is at a standstill at only 60% done. *Skip logins* I hope this is disputable.. really seems like i've been scammed, or mislead or something. My money down the drain. Just, "heya my bad" and that's it. Thank you for help!
  7. What service do you need: 1-80 strength, 1-20 defence Do you agree with the t.o.s.: Yes Did you add me on skype: Yes
  8. It will have like 10 or 20 defence so you can afk, and 1 attack. but ill have 20 strength, need to get to 80. Any quotes?
  9. I have the acc you are looking for

  10. Munch

    Obby tank

    Im cool with a small fortune over a large fortune.
  11. Munch

    Obby tank

    I didnt ask for quested defence or addy gloves or 55 slayer or halo or untradeables. I asked for 90 strength 40 defence.
  12. Munch

    Obby tank

    I dont trust him, can recover.
  13. Munch

    Obby tank

    How much for 90 str 1 attack 40 def, can be botted but want no bans.
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