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Everything posted by owui

  1. owui

    Molly's Orber

    @Mollly I do them legit because I have high agility and I do about 38-40k magic xp p/h and I profit about 500k an hour, if you needed an account to use to get the path or something I could supply it.
  2. Works for me, I don't have the best computer in the world but I would be able to do it after work monday. (about 18 hours from now)
  3. owui

    Molly's Orber

    Would you ever consider adding fire orb support?
  4. 50-61 mining? I'll do it legit for 3m.
  5. owui


    I'm not sure what this is but gratz on shiney letters.
  6. owui

    Owui's F2P Bot Thread

    Well, I understand that it might end up being a wash but I am trying to see how much legit play it takes to balance out a botting account with the new bot security.
  7. Introduction; Hello, my name is Owui, you may know me from my silly did you know thread, or my basic bot thread, and if not who cares. I have started a F2P bot with some pretty large goals on 9/10/2016 and this will be the update thread tell it gets banned. Combat Goals: Skill Goals: 30/30/30 strength HP attack 30/30/30/30/30/30 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking 50/50/50 strength HP attack 50/50/50/50/50/50 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking 60/60/60 strength HP attack 60/60/60/60/60/60 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking 70/70/70 strength HP attack 70/70/70/70/70/70 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking 80/80/80 strength HP attack 80/80/80/80/80/80 Woodcutting Fishing Cooking Mining Smithing Firemaking 90/90/90 strength HP attack 30 Crafting 10 Prayer 30 Range 50 Crafting 20 Prayer 40 Range 70 Crafting 30 Prayer 50 Range 40 Prayer 60 Range 50 Prayer 70 Range 60 Prayer 80 Range Why those goals, Why are Prayer Range and Crafting separate? Well, I plan on doing crafting legit on the days that I don't bot on the account, the same with range and prayer I am hoping that doing prayer and range at moss giants or hill giants will be a decent way to make some gains and keep my account under the notice of Jagex. I want the skill levels purely to test the limits of what botting smartly can do in OSRS, i'm really hoping that doing this will help me get some information to start a gold farm or an account farming service, but beyond that I think that maybe making the account P2P later in its life could give me a valuable bossing account. Image Gallery: http://imgur.com/a/j8eOh (day one 10h in) http://imgur.com/a/8Ac2J (Day one/two 24h in) Update Log: 9/11/2016: Rune Scimmy obtained and in use, also focusing on 80 strength before doing anymore attack, transferred 1k lobbys to account 9/12/2016: May give the bot some downtime/ work on crafting legit started ghosting the IP did a solid 10-14 hour run at Al-Kharid Warriors.
  8. owui

    Did You Know?

    Today on did you know: Did you know, that Butterflys do not have taste buds on their proboscis, but instead they have them on the bottom of their feet.
  9. Wolverines, one of the most lethal Mammals on the earth are only 30 pounds and the largest type of weasel.
  10. sorry if you didn't find this too useful but this post is centered twords the people who haven't botted before, if you're such a bot master im not entirely sure why you would open this thread anyway.
  11. Introduction: Hello, my name is Owui, I have been botting on and off for about nine years, I have been playing runescape for atleast 14 years however. A lot of questions come up when you talk about botting, longevity, effectiveness, and plainly what to bot. I botted when there was a bot for everything and a premium script was unheard of, I botted a maxed skiller and nearly maxed main on rs2. But all of this isn't the point of this post, since osrs has come back I have been botting, from the clunky osbot/Advertising other bots isn't allowed./**** scripts of the first year to the refined slayer bots of today. Do's and Dont's: Now I will go over a few of the things that have worked and have not worked: Do: Change your IP after a ban/Ghost your IP to start with. Do: Only bot one account at a time. (two if your ghosting) Do: Bot an account no more than eight hours a day for three and a maximum of four days a week. Do: Babysit your script, make sure it isn't clunky and likely to get you banned. Do: Use breaks even if you are suicide (non-stop) botting. Do: Use two or even three different scripts on a skill, and do two or three skills in a block. Do: Regularly talk to people around you or in a clan chat. Don't: Continue botting on other accounts if one has been banned (if you haven't changed your IP) Don't: Bot more than 12 hours a day for five days a week Don't: Bot one skill 1-99 or even 60-99 without mixing it up or putting in some legit play time. Don't: Trade items from one bot to another. Don't: Stay silent for the entire life of the account (join a clan chat or add people) Don't: Have all skills level one and one skill very high, even out the stats (Will possibly keep the first ban from being a major ban, makes your harder to be detected) Now, none of these will actually guarantee you from being banned, they are suggestions, I have had over 120 bots since osrs came out and these methods are what have keep a good amount of my accounts up and running for as long as they have been. What to bot Now that you have some basic ideas of what will keep you under the radar lets get into what to bot, now you need to consider what you are trying to do with your bots, if you want enough gold to support 99 fletch on a main, or if you want some shiny new stats. My suggestion to you if you are just trying to make and extra 300k or so a day is to make some F2P accounts who go and collect cow hides and then have some who tan them, or have some bots to make wet clay. But, if you are trying to have better yield off your bots then I would suggest the following: Quest: Doing quests on non-botting days will really help you in the long run, it will make you look more legit and you can even get a lot of level one skills up to the 30-40 range just by questing. Skill: Do some of your favorite skills, or if you hate skilling, do some afk skills such as cooking, crafting, fishing, or woodcutting. Mini-game: Do some mini-games you can afk in like castle wars if you are messing around on a main or even babysitting a bot. Merch: Use your account to merch, now this is risky if you are botting a lot on the account but lets say you are doing maybe 16-24 hours of botting a week on different skills, I would say then you could merch with money made on the account but this is only a suggestion. Farm: Farming is a very profitable UNBOTTABLE skill, it is almost guaranteed that anyone with a high farm level "doesn't" bot, now some people may hate farming or not want to farm on a bot, but it can bring in an extra 100k an hour. Now you may be woundering, "But owui, you ninny how is any of this going to help me make more money off my bots??" Well, if you put in time into your bot it is more time spent playing legit, and the more legit time you have the less likely it will seem you are botting, now if you put this kind of time into a bot some safe things to bot would be air/fire/earth orbs, cannonballs, gold bracelets, red chinchompas, and ardy knights/black jacking. And most these methods are very profitable from 150k-450k p/h. Anti-Ban In my opinion the best anti-ban you can have is yourself, from talking while botting, to playing legit, to botting lightly, because in all reality no amount of randomized walking paths or mouse clicks is really going to keep you safe if you are botting more than 40 hours a week. Now, a lot of people by this point probably think that they are going to spend much more legit time on the accounts than time spent botting but this is not the case, I am just urging people to try to break up the time spent botting, if you only bot an account then it is most likely going to be banned before you can really get too much out of it. However, if you bot 3-4 skills a week and you bot for 3-4 days and play legit maybe one or two days of the week then it will be much harder for Jagex to actually find out that you've been using macros. ​I hope that what I had to say helped some of you, and if not then im sorry my opinions didn't correlate with your own.
  12. I use to run runecrafting bots on nats and then some agility bots on ardy making about 1m and hour with four accounts, but I was ghosting my ip and running two at a time on separate laptops, they were all banned and I think I put more time into them then I got out in the end, I would say start maybe one bot in f2p get it to some high cmb and turn it p2p after some legit playing and do zulrah or stakes, there isnt much profit in botting at the moment but if you have a few high leveled bots botting one 8hrs once or twice a week you may be safe.
  13. owui

    Molly's Thiever

    thank you very much c:
  14. owui

    Molly's Thiever

    well, I don't like leaving my bots alone im a babysitter. Could I please have a trail c:
  15. owui

    Molly's Thiever

    I need a thieving script, and I was just wondering what the max xp p/h for black jacking is and if it works for all forms of blackjacking.
  16. owui

    Khal AIO Agility

    hey I would like a trail of you agility script.
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