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  1. Hey, trying to use master / worker for fire runes using a tiara and pure ess. Does one trip fine, second trip the worker gets stuck in the bank. Switched to earth runes, same problem. does one trip, is fine then when in bank gets stuck before withdrawing more essence
  2. Hey, whenever I try to use the script to cut redwoods, it makes its way to the platform then freezes in front of the redwood. Logger says Could not find valid platform - Sleeping
  3. Haven't bothered taking any but I will if they're worth a decent amount. Only notable stats are 75 range, 84-85 mage and 60 mining. Has nearly full graceful as well is at mid-50's agility.
  4. I'd like a PC on two accounts please, the first ones notable stats are 70 fishing, 70 smithing, 99 cooking, firemaking, fletching and agility, has 79 herb, 60 RC, 61 con and 84 magic. Also has phoenix pet. The second account is basically just a Zulrah alt that needs regicide done and it's ready to go.
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