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Posts posted by Gildarts

  1. Break each word apart by their logical (or linguistic) roots and associate the definition with the word through vocal repetition.

    Or, if you're feeling adventurous, associate each word's meaning with a visual picture and store it in your memory. If you are capable of higher-level visualization, you could store the pictures (of word definitions) within a well-known area (ie, living room) in your memory.

    Best of luck!

  2. Suggesting a subsection called "Questions" be made in the following area:


    It would be a nice place for threads like these, who don't seem to fit in with the "client errors/bugs" or "API suggestions".


    OSBot :: 2007 OSRS BottingOSBotClient SupportAPI Suggestions


    You could even split it up further, and perhaps rename "API Suggestions" to "API". Then, add 2 or 3 subsections to clean it up a bit such as:

    • Questions
    • Suggestions
    • Tutorials 


    • Like 3
  3. Suggesting that a real-life discussion section be added to:

    OSBot :: 2007 OSRS Botting > Official > Community Discussion


    I would like to make a few threads about IRL and there is no proper place to put them.

    • Like 1
  4. I have a slight form of OCD when it comes to Forums that comes off as perfectionism, and so I noticed a few minor (mostly aesthetic) issues on these Forums that were bugging me to a small extent.


    Add a "Guides" or "Tutorials" subsection to this, I will be posting a few tutorials in the near future:

    OSBot :: 2007 OSRS BottingOfficialCommunity DiscussionComputer & Technology



    When it comes to the user panel on the side of whatever posts you make (pictured below), change it so the "Joined" and "Location" match the format of that of the "Time Online:". It's just for a bit of a cleaner look, you'd just need to add a colon in ACP.


    65609a95d6cfb918dd2d6b17db33aad3.pngSo, it would look like this: 3ce22f974db86202f71fbdab1e4ac565.png



    As for more of a larger-scope suggestion, a revamp to the account section could be made in order to improve the organization and search-capabilities overall. It would take a very small amount of JavaScript and HTML knowledge coupled with a bit of time in order to complete it.

    It's essentially where you can enter the skills of the account in which you are selling in a table, along with quest points, warnings, GP, etc. and it will store those entries in the database paired with the thread that was posted. Of course, pictures and further description of the account would be provided within the thread, but the table would serve as a search tool.

    For those searching the database for an account, you would enter the skills of the account that you are hoping to find. It would generate a list of the accounts for sale that are close to the ranges entered.


    Some easy and interesting things to add to this concept could be the following:

    • Search within fields using range (#-#), minimum (>#), and/or maximum (<#)
    • Starting bid, buyout bid (at $x , account is bought), and current bid fields
    • Membership days left and timer that subtracts one day every 24 hours. (timer starts when posted)


    These sorts of ideas could be ported over to the currency section, where you could perhaps sort threads by price / mil.



    As for other things to suggest:

    • When you are a guest (have no account), the view of the Forums is quite dodgy in terms of what sections are visible/accessible to you. All it would take to fix this is to sift through each Forum section in ACP and fix the viewing permissions.
    • Fix the registration name filters, for christ's sake you can use "********" in your name.
    • Add new themes.
    • Get rid of the troll emoticon
    • Either switch the emoticons up, or add some additional ones.



    These are rough suggestions and serve no purpose as non-changeable ideas. The concepts of them must be adapted to what others feel is best for the site.

    Thus, let me know what your thoughts are on some of these.

    • Like 2
  5. ok i will run one sorry i didnt know man and ok ill redownload the osbot umm my specs are i5 and 5gb ram 150gb hard driv e


    Okay, your specs seem good enough to run OSBot.


    Let me know what happens when you delete the folder and redownload the client.


  6. umm well this time it was 2 clients but for the past week ive been trying for 1 client alawys crashes within 1hour but its not alawys sometimes itl last 3 hours sometimes like 20minutes but its not the client cuz i got ym frnd to bot for me same client and osbot accoutn and worked for him?


    Please only run one client at a time, if you'd like to run more you can purchase VIP.


    Try deleting your OSBot folder located in C:\Users\yourusername\OSBot and redownloading the client here.


    What are your computer specs? (you can find them by Start > Control Panel > System)

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