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  1. I'll sell for ETH, PM me your skype
  2. Selling 4B (4000M) RS07 for ETH/SEPA - Only to trusted buyers or you will go first - 400M RS07 minimum for trusted buyers, people who go first 200M RS07 minimum - Preferably for ETH, otherwise SEPA Bank. - I'm not dumping the gp, I won't accept low rates, I can sell whenever, so you could hit me up whenever you need gp - Post your Skype or rate
  3. Banned on 1 of 2 accounts. Either banned because of this script or Kal's AIO Stronghold.
  4. Hey all, wanted to ask what would be the best/easiest/fastest way to bot 30-75 range? Doesn't necessarily have to be really fast, because I wanna AFK bot anyway.. Spots with low ban rate? Which NPC's? Anyone that can advice me a (free) script? I have NPC's and a bot in mind, just wanted some other opinions :).
  5. Another problem that just happened. Unfortunately I closed OSBot because I thought the bot was finished.. Well, it didn't finish Animal Magnetism. It's stuck on the "deliver two undead chickens to Ava"-part. And I checked the logger and it said something like can't withdraw items. It tried twice to withdraw but it couldn't.. I don't know what the problem was. It had two undead chickens though. I finished the quest manually without problems, so it must've had all the right items.
  6. No I'm not using low CPU mode. I'm running the same quests on multiple accounts and I've came across problems on 1 account that I didn't get on the other one and the other way around. Now the bot got stuck at the Restless Ghost quest I'm afraid to keep running this bot AFK so I guess I'm forced to baby sit it.. Also G.E. buying went wrong. It got stuck at polished buttons, it wouldn't put in the price per item to buy it for.
  7. More problems with G.E..... The bot clicks buy offer, types the name, but half way it somehow goes back to the screen where you can put buy/sell offers. And it repeats that over and over again..
  8. Well, I've been running the script for almost 2h now and I've seen two problems: 1. G.E. buys It bought cooked meat for price X which was very high above the current price, which is fine. But it wasn't high enough lol. So it kept waiting for someone to sell cooked meat, but no one was selling.. So in the end I helped it and bought one for 1k and then let the bot continue. 2. Tree Gnome Village broken? Somehow it took 5 logs instead of 6 and it kept talking to Commander Montai over and over again. Just restarting the conversation. I found out after like 10-20 minutes, not sure, but if you run this bot afk and it gets stuck there for a long time............
  9. What guarantee do people have that the account doesn't get recovered?
  10. Nice acc that I'd like to have, but not for that price + I'm scared for recovery.
  11. Lol pls, then how did I make over $10k, prob over $20k idk. Not counting.
  12. Mate, just stop talking if you don't know what you're talking about. Alright? I don't even stake on maxed mains lmao. I'm staking for like 2-3 years, I know what I'm doing. "I doubt any other goldmercher can beat that (don't try to beat it by 1 or 2 cents or something)." No, thank you.
  13. I always profit long run, I never go down big :p. Thanks for advice. Unfortunately no other replies.
  14. Hey all, I'm selling some staking profits: around 600-700M RuneScape 2007 gp. I want to get paid with BTC or by SEPA Bank. I'm looking for decent rates. Highest rate of a goldmercher that I found was $0,92/€0,80. I doubt any other goldmercher can beat that (don't try to beat it by 1 or 2 cents or something). Post or PM me your rate and the amount you want to buy. You can give me your skype too. We can use a middleman on your costs. Just trying to see if I can make more profit by selling it myself. Don't even try to scam me, because I will see straight through you. We can finish the sale/trade in Skype, that's no problem. If you're gonna send it by bank, I'd need to see some confirmation that you've sent the money. If you use ING Bank, I'll receive the money straight away. As you can see I've got 51 feedback, could've been way more if I used the feedback system more, but I sold my gp in Skype -> live chats. Rate was more reasonable back then ;p. Yours sincerely, PaasHazen
  15. Selling 150M RS07 gp via BTC preferable or bank (I use Dutch ING Bank) Offer me your rates, I will ignore everything under $0.94/m.
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