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Trade With Caution
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About blueis123

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  1. Skype has been compromisee, trying to sort it out
  2. My skype has been compromised. Sorting this out now
  3. 8mill @ sand crabs. Can start asap
  4. 10m. Skype is Live:haharielhaha
  5. U obviously have not pked out of edge/bh or clanned before. 2k16 pker
  6. U sure u know whar u talking bout? U cant drink prayer pots when speared
  7. In deep wild you dont want to be speared out by clans for your +1, so yes it does matter
  8. Yes i used to use it for deep wild pkingwith friends, thats why it has 70prayer.
  9. 130m , skype live:haharielhaha
  10. logged in only to take screenshots btw. Idk will irl life ID provided make me more "trusted"? I don't even use this account any longer, except to use it to stake every now and then.
  11. Yes i know, therefore im posting here at the price check section to determine interest levels before deciding whether or not i want to get post count up.
  12. 10gp /xp alching. And 2.5m for dt , u provide supplies
  13. 6.5gp per exp. I will update u with every level
  14. Add me on skype Live:haharielhaha we can workout a price
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