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  1. I'm having a problem with the script. Every time I enable "camp mode" my client freezes. The script locks meet out. I am unable to click anywhere on the screen. I have to use the task manager to shut down OsBOT. Any suggestions? **Correction- It is with any mode. The game freezes and I am unable to control anything. My computer also begins to overclock and heat up. Edit* Finally fixed, it was issue with the client. Sorry for the post. Anyways, this script is nothing but flawless. I didn't think it was problem with the script to begin with. I would highly suggest this to anyone!
  2. That also freezes, and doesn't let me scroll through it. The main error that I saw was "Error in Script executor" followed by a bunch of smaller outputs. Sorry, I realize this is little information. Is there a way to clear the script, and redownload it, without paying for it again?
  3. Every time I start up a script, the client locks me out. The border surrounding the game screen disappears, and the entire game becomes unresponsive. I have to task manager the bot to get it to shut down. I am unable to type/click anything. I am also unable to click "disable user input option." Any help would be appreciated. I downloaded the newest version of the client as well. Specifically using APA Sand Crabs Script, $4.99 Thanks
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