Banned from OSRS permanently. It was my main account. The reason for the ban was due to botwatch heuristics picking up on the fact I was using osbot client. I see very little reason why it would be this script I was using (last time used 3 days ago) or the other tithing farming script (been using for the last 2 days). I was babysitting my bot for most of the time, pausing it and putting my own input into the game from time to time. I was skeptical that Jagex could not detect clients but I know for a fact that they can now. Which makes botting in all sense of the word, impossible, to be undetectable. It really boils down to a matter of time before they catch you. I think the only way you can circumvent this is to make your own private client.
I lasted less than one week botting. I botted anywhere from 5 to 10 hours a day with breaks, my own inputs, changing up of training of skills going from botting to legit for a little. I also completed quests in the meantime. My character was over lvl 90 with quite a bit of wealth and almost a quest point cape. All skills were above 50. I was not banned before on this IP address as well. Good luck botting. Just know you are already detected and up for ban no matter how little you bot each day. I have seen others botting for less than 30 minutes and get banned. It is all good though. Even though I spent countless hours and nearly a hundred dollars on gold and premium bots, I am going to move on from RS forever. I have more meaningful things to do in my life anyways.