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Everything posted by Hexus

  1. It was definitely a delayed ban. Delayed as in = I did not get banned until after I was botting for the day somewhere overnight when I was sleeping (when I do not bot as I cannot babysit). I also bot during Jagex off hours so a manual ban is near impossible unless some moderator decides to stay in the office after hours which I highly doubt. Anyways the reason for ban was not a manual ban but states it was due to their detection system (botwatch) picking up on the client. P.S. Was not delayed ban as in I was banned because of what I did several weeks ago or something. I just started botting 5ish days ago again. The last time I botted before this was on my last account which was RS3 years ago on a different IP. I am not sure if that would have helped. Do not know much about mirror mode from VIP. Does it mimick the original client then that would have prevented my ban. Good luck botting.
  2. Banned from OSRS permanently. It was my main account. The reason for the ban was due to botwatch heuristics picking up on the fact I was using osbot client. I see very little reason why it would be this script I was using (last time used 3 days ago) or the other tithing farming script (been using for the last 2 days). I was babysitting my bot for most of the time, pausing it and putting my own input into the game from time to time. I was skeptical that Jagex could not detect clients but I know for a fact that they can now. Which makes botting in all sense of the word, impossible, to be undetectable. It really boils down to a matter of time before they catch you. I think the only way you can circumvent this is to make your own private client. I lasted less than one week botting. I botted anywhere from 5 to 10 hours a day with breaks, my own inputs, changing up of training of skills going from botting to legit for a little. I also completed quests in the meantime. My character was over lvl 90 with quite a bit of wealth and almost a quest point cape. All skills were above 50. I was not banned before on this IP address as well. Good luck botting. Just know you are already detected and up for ban no matter how little you bot each day. I have seen others botting for less than 30 minutes and get banned. It is all good though. Even though I spent countless hours and nearly a hundred dollars on gold and premium bots, I am going to move on from RS forever. I have more meaningful things to do in my life anyways.
  3. Hexus

    Perfect Agility AIO

    I believe botting during jagex off hours is super crucial. The only thing that they have is bot watch which is not as good as when a Jagex moderator (like Weath) evaluates reports and is able to nab you when doing the botting. Bot watch can still get you though if the script sucks (usually when they are free) or there is botlike movements in scripts (such as clicking on the same exact tile or even coordinate spot. When you see those in scripts that is a no no as bot watch heuristics will be able to pick those up in no time. I have spent plenty of hours alching with a varying interval autoclicker. Literally for over 4 hours straight and botwatch heuristics were not able to pick it up. Getting reported could be deadly especially when botting during jagex hours!
  4. Thank you for your time to reply back and provide help. I was having problems when I was below lvl 72 mining locations on the ground level. I was using custom locations (chose 3 spots on the fally medium shortcut). My mode was regular (stealth injection). However, now I do not have any problem whatsoever with my custom locations on the top floor. The script works flawlessly thus far on the upper level. Other than that, you might want to check out the lower level as it tended to get stuck quite a few times. P.S. Sorry for the complaint of the randoms dismisser, I knew about it was osbot client thing but was not thinking when I commented about that.
  5. I have noticed quite a bit of bugs with this script thus far using it less than 12 hrs. First off, I do not dismiss randoms even when random dismissing is checked. One time I caught the bot continuously pressing the hammer crate with an invy full of pay dirt (I had to intervene). Another time the bot was trying to get from the center area to the mining side by pressing continuously on the minimap but not going anywhere as there was pay dirt in the way of the destination. In addition to, the bot has what I been observing the same or nearly the same click patterns on the minimap when approaching the mine cart for washing. I could go on and on but I know for a fact if a Moderator were to check my screen while some of these mishaps were occurring it would be an instant ban. Please fix all of these things because I spent quite a bit of money and I do not want to be banned because of these things. Thanks.
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