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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Master00j

  1. like all other guys. what are the stats. i can provide capes starting off 50range 1 def 50hp 1pray
  2. We can discuss this on skype. i'm willing to work something out there. don't have any prices on my thread so all prices are negotiable with customer and worker.
  3. Join the Bay and become a crewmember of our excellent team! Current Crew: @ringeman @xaaxaxxaaxaxa Looking for the following: Quester(s) Minigamer(s) (any kind of minigames) Skillers RULES: - You need to deposit an amount of cash. (the value of that amount will determine the jobs you will get. discussable on skype) - You will be online atleast 2hrs a day at regular base (offcourse there are exeptions like going on holiday or private bussiness) - While doing services you will be able to respons to me or the customer to give some status updates (can be some exeptions for example fire capes) - You speak properly english or dutch to communicate with customers. - No bans on other forums are allowed - If you don't meet the deadline w've agreed upfront, you will refund the customer for the xp/items you didn't achieved. Important: We at OsRsBay services are always looking to provide the best services. This not only for the customer but also for the "worker". Therefore w've decided we won't take any cut as owner of the service for a job that has been done by a worker! So stop getting "scammed" by high fees that other service owners take from a job and come working at OsRsBay! we provide equal amount of tasks with even better payments! Application form:
  4. i can do this for you. mining: 50gp/xp woodcutting: 35gp/xp
  5. i can do this for you. Sandcrabs = 14gp/xp (75 bp = 11gp/xp) canon = 10gp/xp check my thread --> Cheers!
  6. i can do this for you. add skype: Drocgecacher price will be discuss thre
  7. any banrate updates and how stable is this? will it get a fire cape easy on 70range 40def acc?
  8. i can do this 12M and time will be Few hours
  9. i can do this for you: skype drocgecacher
  10. send skype request can do it right now!
  11. i can do this for you. guarrantee: 12-14hrs gampeplay ea day for Meele xp = Dharox range xp = Blowpipe Magic = (prefer alching) Torso = just some gear void = just some gear Add my skype: drocgecacher
  12. I can do this for you, starting @sandcrabs price 12gp/xp you must provide gear and supplies skype: drocgecacher
  13. I can handle the combat stats: Average 12-14hrs gameplay/day without any bot. My thread --> My skype: drocgecacher (watchout for imposters) Cheers!
  14. I can do this with a rate of 8-10hrs gameplay by hand. (Me and my worker) skype: drocgecacher
  15. Master00j

    56-60 str

    Hello, ii can help you with this. Training spot wil be sandcrabs and price/xp depends on your gear and supplies. add skype: drocgecacher (from Belguim)
  16. Sorry for late respons, if you need any services please add my skype. I'm back online for services
  17. Botting service: 20hrs = $5 (+2-3 rare pokemon) 10hrs botting = $3 (+1 rare pokemon) Account sales: Level 25 Account (+3 rare pokemon) = $10 Level 30 Account (+5 rare pokemon) = $15 Level 35 Account (+5 rare pokemon) = $35 (All those account are made with software and got no name & team. The registred email will be included with all details) Rare pokemon hunt service: If you want me to catch some rare pokemons (Dragonite, Snorlax, Charizard etc..) I can do that for you. For prices contact me on slype. Skype: Drocgecacher (it is the skype from Belguim)
  18. Botting service: 5hrs botting = $3 10hrs botting = $5 20hrs botting = $8 (Note: while botting there will be not hunted for rare pokemon.) Rare pokemon hunt service: If you want me to catch some rare pokemons (Dragonite, Snorlax, Charizard etc..) I can do that for you. For prices contact me on slype. Account sales: (Click spoiler for screens) Skype: Drocgecacher (it is the skype from Belguim)
  19. i can do those quests: Skype: drocgecacher
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