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Trade With Caution
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About tehgouschunban

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  1. Proof i traded him, trade screen is from his perspective when I've accepted Skype: https://gyazo.com/f97aedae6dc3a1a6b8027121c56ca8c7 Trade screen his perspective: https://sliske.uk/img/captures/44cc4381a546427.png Proof its him (im on mac so cant view his profile in seperate window can teamview to prove it if needed: https://gyazo.com/6a69f8d0bd6c441dbf22ab4dab40d3bf Proof I only have one person with name sliske (dont know if this really counts but can get him in a skype call with one of you so he can confirm https://gyazo.com/2823f865bb08bc7f9bbb0781d54a43eb
  2. Forum Ban Appeals Your Profile: (your username) tehgousch Banned by: (Who banned you?) not sure, since i havent been able to access the forums Why were you banned: ban evading Explanation: (What happened and why you should be unbanned.) I was banned from p****bot because I accountshared on p****bot and my brother scammed 30m (as far as I know) I've paid it back and I can provide proof of that if needed. I have never scammed here and this ban without any access to the forum. Sysm made an appeal for me which you stated that I was allowed to appeal so here it is. Dont really know what else to type here, if you need ANY more information or anything I will do my best to help.
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