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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Basic

  1. Basic


    No..... I personally wouldn't.
  2. Basic

    SOTW 12

    "Send your artwork to me in a private message, they must be submitted by the 1st of january 2014" Sigh, it's the tenth... Can we please just POST THE SOTW.
  3. and why didn't you enter it into the SOTW?
  4. Pretty simple... And the colors look awkward to me Keep working.
  5. Please post the tutorials that you used to make these. Good use of the tutorial, looks good. KIU
  6. http://www.mediafire.com/download/8430opa6acy123b/Para+DA.rar Anime renders.
  7. Editing your profile... ABOOS.
  8. Basic

    SOTW 12

    I'll conjure up an entry.
  9. Basic


    That's because your diamond MMR.
  10. Basic


    Can you stop spamming league threads. ty.
  11. Basic


    Doublelift has better split second decision making skills. :p But over all turtle is better, I agree.
  12. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/004/c/e/year_of_the_horse_by_lockmonster00-d70tpxw.png would look better without the backshadow on the 014
  13. Basic


    Azubu TV is better anyways for Official LoL Tournys. :P
  14. Basic


    No. Gold is way worse.
  15. Basic


    Congratulations! Now to plat~ (oh and Gold is the shittiest place to be)
  16. Just delete my threads. Let the people have no word. Makes sense.
  17. Basic


    He barely even had the rank, and TWC means "Trade with Caution"... Why would you trade with caution? Oh because that member isn't trust-able. That's what the whole rank is about.
  18. Gilgad should have TWC. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/25357-spamflame-rules-updated-december-2nd-2013-v2/ Why the hell did you close my topic?
  19. But why would someone who was eligible for TWC be even considered for moderator?
  20. Why does the staff team not know the rules enforced by Maldesto then? Even he doesn't obey them. If someone has scammed and repayed, then they get TWC. And to give someone moderator right after them being unbanned? AND when they deserve TWC? That's a bit fishy if you ask me. I'm just going off of what Gilgad himself, and on a thread he said he did scam but he was drunk.
  21. I wasn't comparing? pls read.
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