I DID A QUICK COMPARISON TO HUMAN BEHAVIOR and A HUMAN PLAYER VS THIS SCRIPT.Please read what has caused me to be very cautious about the script! and how easily you can be banned by just having a human next to you hunting.
Here is a few pictures, and what needs to be improved/checked on and CORRECTED. These pictures just shows the research behind my claim and how it proves it to be correct.
^^Script running @ 24 minutes after
The picture above^^ Is the bot script running for 30 minutes with no signs of fatigue, now, look at picture 2, this picture is a
Picture 2, is a player(human) Above ^ playing after 20-35 mins, as you can see, he is making mistakes due to fatigue(being tired), this script runs hours without any human mistakes
this needs to change, their should be a option for fatigue level where the script will afk, or forget about a trap/ do something normal humans do, instead of constantly
being on top making the boxs stay up 24/7. In my opinion, there needs to be a option to make the script fatigue (have 15-25% human mistakes (going away from keyboard, forgetting about traps during the process and logging itself out for 2-3 minutes before the auto-login.) or just simply going alittle slower forgetting to set a trap on time for a brief 10-15 minute timer or until break. Once a player takes a break he can go back down on level fatique, now heres my outline of how fatigue levels should work on the script please have a look its easier to read
Fatigue Level 1 = After 30-45 minutes of running without issues, the player hits level 1. Once player(script) hits level 1, within the next 5 - 25 minutes the script will go afk(Away from keyboard), it'll forget traps and eventually log itself out for 2-6 minutes or it will forget traps, and just afk for 2-6 minutes in-game. ONCE IT IS READY TO LOG BACK IN, THE SCRIPT MUST LOG IN, **NOT THE AUTO-LOGIN USED BY THE API.** THE API IS FAR TO BOTLIKE WHEN IT LOGS ITSELF BACK IN, THEIR IS VIRTUALLY NO TIMER, NOR IS THERE ANY SPEED DIFFERENCES, its always the same speed, and the same timer between each key strokes. Once the script is finished with the anti-ban, the player during start up of the script(in the GUI) gets the choice of 4 of the options below
1 = Option 1 shut the anti-ban off for 30-60 mins and restart the level 1 again and repeat until script is stopped manually.
2 = Option 2, start Fatigue level 2 after 17- 48 mins,, and then after fatigue level 2, it will go back to Fatigue 1 and repeat.
3 = Option 3, randomized selection of the two.
4= Option 4, start Fatigue level 2(if fatigue level 1 isnt brought down enough or used at all.
Please let me know if you can do this, It.