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Everything posted by wormtail39

  1. thank you verry much i really apreciate it! and 2-3 hours a day is what i shall aim for then! cheers! also do you mind if i ask how long you gave me to trial it? i wasnt expecting you to reply so quickly (though i am grateful you did!) im still getting 50 wc and fm for winterdot im close though.
  2. Request Template: - Script name: Khal winterdot - trial length: ~72 hours (or 1/2 days) - Reason for trial: I have purchased two scripts from you agility and experiments i was verry pleased with the experiments script! really helped me makeing pures back when i played rs! however slightly less pleased with the agility script though it was years ago that i last used it! Anyway i have decided to come back to rs by makeing an iron so i was planning to bot to 99 fm and 83 hunter and maby 80 rc To get the painfull skills out the way and get to the fun (i would most likely use your skripts for these aswell), anyway! i want to test how realistic this would be to do by running this script on my fresh iron over a couple of days, i dont plan to suicide bot the account but i would like to see if letting the bot run for 3-5 hours a day with breaks gets the account banned and how much progress this kind of botting would make on the account to gaige how realistic my goals are( i havent botted or played rs in a long time), and how well the skript works (whether it does awkward things like running around like a headless chicken lol) also the account is a 10 hp iron so i want to see how it handles haveing such low hp. So i would really apreciate it if you would grant me this trial and would also really apreciate any advice u might have on how likely it would be to get banned doing this plan (99 fm 83 hunter 80 rc slowly over a month or so) ANY advice would be much apreciated! - are you going to give feedback on this script? i will indeed!
  3. love this script use it for all my pures great work only problem is it wont take or drink ranging potions? just me?
  4. hi would it be possible to get my trial extended a tiny bit i just realised it was authed and i wont be subbed till tommorow so the trial will be up u can check i havent used the script
  5. could i please test this?
  6. great script love it great for leveling up new pures. One small thing to report however, whilst ranging potions are an option the script wont take ranging potions 4 dose from the bank have not tried 3 does however
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