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  1. Hey guys, need wintertodt (and all extras, like full clue hunter, etc) service done on a fresh HC GIM. Need it started ASAP as will want to be using account later on today. Let me know. thanks may also ask for questing dependent on time, etc
  2. stencil

    96-99 FM

    Title. Can do wintertodt with one jug of wine. Lmk, thanks
  3. Would be interested if they were done on a fresh that I had created. PM me.
  4. stencil

    77-94 mage

    Sorry for the late reply, been away. The only thing is it's a main I want it done on (yeah, a main with 77 mage lmao)
  5. stencil

    77-94 mage

    Thread title. Please post prices in comments thanks
  6. Thread title. Need: The Golem, Shadow of the Storm, Free Evil Dave, Free Pirate Pete, Fishing Contest, Free the Dwarf, Big Chompy Bird Hunting, Free Skrach the Ogre. Stats are: 42 Atk, 46 Str, 1 Def, 70 Range, 15 Pray, 67 Mage. Obviously no defence levels will be gained during the service. Leave price in comments, thanks
  7. I assumed that was the case. Is there a way to check if they really are 'Fake' emails?
  8. So It's a log in name, not log in email? Edit: What I'm trying to say, is: do we get the email that's used as the login name for the account, also?
  9. Do original emails come with the account, etc?
  10. Need barrows gloves, asap. Need it done quick! Max Melee Quests done: all f2p quest apart from the new ones and sheild of arrav. animal mag big chompy bird hunting biohazard death pleatau dessert tressures digsite druidic ritual fairytail 1 the feud fishing contest fremmenik trials getrude'scat grand tree horror from the deep jungle potion lost city monkey madness mountain daughter murder mystery nature spirit plague city priest in peril sea slug shilo village temple of ikov tourist trap tree gnome village troll stronghold waterfall quest witches house and rfd until Evil Dave.
  11. stencil

    PC 70-94 mage

    Thread title; how much for 70 mage to 99. If you could post a price for the most efficent, and then cost efficient, that'd be appreciated. Cheers
  12. Hey guys, After a service is done on my account I'm looking for full graceful and 40-50 smithing and mining done. Looking for prices please. Canifis is unlocked if that's required for the agility:) Thanks.
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