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Everything posted by Bunka

  1. Can't wait to see what is next to be offered! OSBot 2 here we come!
  2. The only option to change your gamertag would be to buy Microsoft Points, win them in a contest, or just start a new account. If you start a new account however you can have 1 free name change!
  3. Same man! Ill be the loser waiting an hour or two before the line starts just because There will always be whores to kill in GTA Lucky! Class starts for me in a week or two. Being a Freshman in College will be a huge change especially with sleep schedule so classes the next day should be interesting :3
  4. Call of duty has alot of hate for the past few years. Although I'm not here to hate on them they're a great franchise. except they're at their end of time. People seen the stuff they brought out it's starting to get repetetive. Agree with you completely man, but even if it is repetitive Infinity Ward/Treyarch still release games because they know most of the population will buy it.
  5. Glad to hear so! And I had no idea Kingdom Hearts 1.5 was being released. Do you know of the release date?? And yes I defiantly agree, Game of the Year. I'm just hoping another Call of Duty game doesn't hype over GTA V, although I doubt it would.
  6. I don't know about you guys, but I've been waiting for GTA V for a long time. It's in-game trailer looked so epic and huge! I'm thinking online is going to be packed with so much hectic and crazy stuff! I'm Excited that its coming out in a month or so. Anyone else have there own two cents on it? Post below! Also if you're looking for someone to play with on Xbox, pm me so we can play!
  7. Bunka

    2m Giveaway

    Good Luck Everyone!
  8. Lol I never even thought about this :p. Props man! Gl about prices though :3
  9. Thank you everyone, appreciating the feedback! What could I do to improve from your perspective?
  10. Try this link http://img854.imageshack.us/img854/4002/2zqf.jpg
  11. Lol thanks. And yeah, I tried throwing in a blocky kind of font to make it look more official. I'm not really sure what to do with it. I feel like I should make a text in C4D, but I am absolutely awful so I am sticking to Photoshop.
  12. New Signature I made in a little bit of time. Open to all criticism good or bad! I think this has been a big improvement over my last signature and was wondering what you guys thought. Let me know!
  13. Haha thanks guys. I was trying to go for that kind of feel . And dat Nick artwork tho, its amazinn.
  14. The whole basis of this picture is Radial Blurs, intensified Gradient Maps, and Basic Text over it. I hope to open a Text/Signature Shop, but I don't think that will happen very soon. I need way more practice. I also added minor details here and there, but just curious to what the community might say. I'd appreciate any feedback good or bad. Thank you!
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