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  1. I was just following this tutorial: http://osbot.org/forum/topic/58775-a-beginners-guide-to-writing-osbot-scripts-where-to-get-started-by-apaec/
  2. Isn't it suppose to be in OnLoop()?
  3. Thank I managed to get it working now.
  4. Line 56: status = state.toString(); That other is on line 163.
  5. // Create a select box for tree options JComboBox<String> treeSelector = new JComboBox<>(new String[]{"Tree", "Oak"}); // Add an action listener, to listen for user's selections, assign to a variable called selectedTree on selection. treeSelector.addActionListener(e -> selectedTree = treeSelector.getSelectedItem().toString()); I was using this code, but if I choose 'Tree' the client crashes, well, the CPU goes to 100% and I have to force quit, but if I choose 'Oak' then it works perfectly fine. I added another option in front of 'Tree' and now 'Tree' works in second position but the 'Oak' options is now causing the problem.
  6. What even is the difference of having veteran and not? Just the gold username?
  7. Isn't Rangers Guild instant ban? I wouldn't bot there if I were you.
  8. Low paid Chinese working for £1 every level 99.
  9. Probably the fresh account was the culprit, same thing happened to me when I was botting agility.
  10. debug

    Hey guys.

    Welcome to the forums.
  11. Great update - will help a lot of users.
  12. I'd go for the donator option as the gold username would look more appealing and stand out and it shows how much you have donated - if people don't know what sponsor is they also might not know how much it costs.
  13. Thanks, I'll try that. The reason is that I think the dropping is far to fast, and I can't drop items that fast so I was trying to make it delay around a second I will try your method and change the sleep and see if it works.
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