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  1. Hey buddy! You have a great script. I know you despise me because of our little confrontation the other day. I just wanted to let you know the higher level chests, such as the blood rune chest and the arg castle chest still do not work. I did not want to annoy you with my comment, but I am not sure why it does not work. The bot does not recognize that I am standing next to the chest and the bot does not walk near the chest after I open the chest and it teleports us away. I realize that this method does not give us fast xp, but it is a good money maker for those who are low combat. Please reply back as soon as possible and fix it is it is fixable. Thanks man, you are the best!
  2. I do appreciate it, my bad if I came off sounding like a prick. I do admit, you have skill and I would have no idea how on earth to begin codding a script this huge. TBH I don't really care about blackjacking, not my cup of tea, I just saw others posting it. But I do care about the chests that no one on earth thieves. So thanks again captain ;)
  3. Hey buddy! The bot works wonders when pickpocketing. But my question is this: Why do you have a chest option when none of the chests scripts work? So far the Chaos druid tower chest and King Lathas' castle in Ardougne DO NOT WORK. I suppose its dissipointing because you have the option to thieve those chests, but the script just sits there calculating and does noting. Plus if you do end up getting the script working, this potion of the script does not bank, which is disappointing. From what I can gather you have been saying for the past 2-3 weeks (one more day) until the blackjack option gets fixed. Cant you give us a straight answer? Or maybe take out the chest stealing ability if its not really realistic thing you have your bot do. Please fix it or stop falsely advertising.
  4. Hey buddy the scrip works mostly fine in my opition. However, can you check out the chaos druid tower chest? The script doesnt even start and move for this location. It also just starts eating food when 1 damage is done regardless of the setting of which food to eat. I have only found this problem at the chaos druid tower chest location though. Thanks!
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