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Everything posted by Kaloex

  1. I'm new to account trading would you mind explaining? Why do trust sellers get better prices o.o
  2. Kaloex

    Question on BTC

    Alright, thanks anyways!
  3. Kaloex

    Question on BTC

    I'm not from the US. I'm from Asia and only ways to verify identity is ID , passport or drivers license.
  4. Kaloex

    Question on BTC

    I don't have a printer/scanner to scan my ID yet
  5. Maybe because your password was kappa123?
  6. Kaloex

    Question on BTC

    On coinbase.com can I send/receive bitcoins without confirming my identity?
  7. Can anyone explain whats the process of sending and receiving bitcoins and what kind of bitcoin wallet I should use?
  8. Hey, I'm interested to buy a signature. I will PM you the details.
  9. Goodluck. Seems like a fun project
  10. I believe you need 100 post counts to start selling accounts.
  11. I literally only play League of Legends at lowest settings. I believe Skylake's iGPU would be more than enough for my needs. I will definitely keep this thread updated
  12. Hey everyone, I just got into the botting scene about a month ago and starting off really well, however, it started getting harder and harder to make profit as my method was becoming less and less profitable hence I decided to go into account selling instead to fund my new PC. Expected PC Build: Goals for now: 100 Post Counts 50 Lvl 40 Fishing Accounts 50 Lvl 41 Mining Accounts 50 Lvl 60 Woodcutting Accounts Gain feedback/reputation both here and offsite Expenditure: Proxies VIP Scripts I will use only dedicated private proxies for all my accounts. 3 accounts per IP . Will only be using the official RuneScape client/webclient. Will add more to the list as time goes by. If selling goldfarming accounts doesn't go as well as I expect it to be, I'll convert into selling fresh level 3 tutorial accounts. Start date: 17th April 2016 Targeted finishing date: July 31st 2016 Will be updating whenever I feel like it. Day 1 (17th April) : Day 2 (18th April): Day 3-6 (19th April to 24st Apr): Day 7 (25th Apr) Not too sure what to do now other than to make tutorial accounts Looking around for ideas. Bought a simple avatar and signature from TTC.
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