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  1. 24hr trial plz? =-] very interested in buying
  2. vouch. legit guy

  3. I've been banned 2x now while scripting with czar ranged. The first account had been scripted on using 1 other script. The last account that was banned had ONLY used czar ranged. (DURING safe hours) i wasn't suicide botting either. only got to 74 range in a matter of 4 days till I was banned. fun while it lasted! im guessing the days of botting 80+ ranged at the guild are over!
  4. hey. REALLY could use your range script and have the $, but my card is declining international merchant. let me know if I can paypal you directly or pay OSGP/ etc. thanks in advance (:

    1. Czar


      you gotta buy a voucher, osbot admins wont let scripters take rsgp payments :( it takes 10 mins max tho, just go to http://osbot.org/forum/forum/227-vouchers/

  5. can't process payment due to international merchant. I'm in dire need of this script. any way around this?
  6. afraid I was a part of that recent ban wave. LOL. thanks bro.
  7. could i get a trial? wanna make sure I don't get insta banned(while botting safe ofc) before I buy... thanks.
  8. your acc still unbanned?
  9. hey bro, hit me up on skype! still says you aren't receiving messages.
  10. gotcha added. check skype, I'm free to PM now but it says you can't receive it. Sent skype request.
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