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Everything posted by Andrew

  1. Hello I was wondering if there was a way to capture mouse events when user input is disabled? for example interacting with paint. Currently my script implements the MouseListener in the following way: public class main extends Script implements MouseListener and then inside on onStart this.client.getBot().addMouseListener(this); However this code only appears to work with user input enabled. An acceptable alternative would be to stop clicks going through to the game at certain parts of the screen. Thanks in advance
  2. Hey guys, so bassicly I'm currently trying to raise money for my dogs medical bills I'm looking for any advice on how I could make extra money to pay for it or how I could maybe advertise the fundraiser to get it more views? I'm currently a full time university student so it is quite difficult to find time for a job. Link to the fundraiser: https://www.youcaring.com/pet-expenses/help-save-my-friend/246752
  3. This must be photoshoped, I don't even use osbot.
  4. Please change your name to 'Chocolate bear' ? ;D
  5. Pretty sure this wasn't even referring to me ^ ^
  6. On the bright side... I called it
  7. >OSBot requires money >OSBot Can't have money >What's OSBot? Side Note: Pretty sure I shouldn't even have SDN Script writer any more so I don't really care about the coloured name.
  8. If you have all the required items ect; i'll do them all for 500k
  9. Andrew

    Murded's Slayer

    I'm serious about making it; I've get everything worked out I'm just wondering since once the new bot comes out all the paths I make will no longer be that efficient / may not work at all I'm aware of that; however it will be more efficient and more reliable with the use of web walking
  10. Andrew

    Murded's Slayer

    I'm serious about making it; I've get everything worked out I'm just wondering since once the new bot comes out all the paths I make will no longer be that efficient / may not work at all
  11. All he needs to do is learn the API :P would take like a maximum of an hour to make
  12. Andrew

    Murded's Slayer

    Added a Poll, please vote
  13. Andrew

    Murded's Slayer

    Thank you for the offer but i'm not looking for anyone else to help develop this at the moment
  14. Andrew

    Murded's Slayer

    I've Recruited an IRL Friend that's going to be helping me with this project; this should increase the speed greatly
  15. Murded's Slayer Description A Slayer bot that will Eventually complete all tasks available; it will include a number of different features so that both low combat level and high combat level players will be able to make use of the script. Overall Progress (0%) 19 August 2013 - Bronze Dragons - Now Gets required items and walks to them (Brimhaven dungeon) 19 August 2013 - Started Path Walking for Various Tasks 19 August 2013 - Will now Obtain new Slayer Task 18 August 2013 - Project Started Current Focus Adding All Tasks for Vannaka Vannaka Taks List Not Impemented Started Completed Ankou Banshee Basilisk Blue dragon Bronze Dragon Cave Crawler Cockatrice Crocodile Cyclops Desert Lizard Earth Warrior Ghoul Green dragon Harpie bug swarm Hill giant Hobgoblin Ice giant Ice warrior Infernal mage Jelly Jungle horror Kalphites Killerwatt Lesser demon Mogre Molanisk Moss giant Ogre Otherworldly being Pyrefiend Rock Slugs Shade Terror dog Troll Vampire Wall Beast Werewolf Trivia Edit Donate to the Cause If you'd like to help support the project then please feel free to message me on the forums. You can also lend me an account which is cb level 40 + this will speed up the process All donations are accepted! Current Donations ScorpioZ - 214k
  16. At the moment I can not develop in Java, need to learn it... Oh; it just seems a little pointless as correct me if i'm wrong but you'd need to keep the osbot window focused for this to work? if that's the case then there is already alternatives out there
  17. Why is it a stand alone program and not a script?
  18. Andrew

    Chat box error?

    This occasionaly happens to me; after refreshing the page a few time it works for me tho
  19. This would be difficult as there is no way that OSBot could force you to trade the OSGP I believe what he means (Correct me if i'm wrong) but they could sell graphics etc in a similar fashion to the Store we currently have for scripts
  20. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/10553-basic-script-tutorial-for-beginners/
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