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Steel Poster (4/10)



  1. As the scripter, you would say these things.
  2. Just got banned, I'm done with RS. I made every possible safety precaution on this account, matured account, played it legit, quested it, etc etc.. Perm banned, yet my DMM gold farmers got 2 day bans? Where is the logic. I'm done with RS for some time now, time to head back to the gym!
  3. Oh dear. Done 33-73 so far in like 3 days, taking it easy at the moment
  4. What sort of level you getting to before banned?
  5. Woaah, didn't see that herb lvl! Damn dude, nice! Why even bot herb, easiest skill ever xD
  6. Just joined, 5 seconds in you die from a 1tick'd 47ags xD
  7. I believe your attention is required here sir - http://osbot.org/forum/topic/96076-take-this-feedback-away-omg/#entry1065994
  8. Blue? Everywhere? http://prntscr.com/aqoetb
  9. Got socks covered, got waterproof boots, and I just got a pair of salomons that I'll carry with me too. Med kit isn't a bad idea honestly.. Cheers lad There's always one
  10. Like seriously, say I'm off hiking up the mountains for a day (on my own, solo!) .. What things should I pack that might be helpful? Disregard common sense things like food/water.. etc, I'm just curious what others might pack, that I may have forgotten/not thought about? Please no trollerino, don't want to die up the top of a mountain.
  11. JamOSRS


    Ah, just for active oldfags then ;)
  12. JamOSRS


    What are the reqs for veteran? Active and been here from the start?
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