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Everything posted by BrownBird

  1. BrownBird


    http://osbot.org/forum/topic/92492-pc-main/#entry1024955 pm me if interested
  2. A close friend of mine has just recently gotten into an accident. Due to the road conditions being bad with icy roads, he lost control going into a near by ditch. He flipped the car three times and going thru a fence before coming to a stop in a persons front lawn. He had two of my other friends in the car as well, no one had gotten seriously injured (minor scraps and bumps). The rear end was destroyed with the rear passenger side tire completely mangled and the front end driver side bent down from rolling. I'm glad you're alright, you're taking the positive things out of something negative which takes tremendous amounts of courage and compassion. You're also taking time to give others another way of thinking. Keep your head up man. What's your next whip ;p
  3. Added more pics, let me know if anyone would like something specific.
  4. It just got done a two day ban and says the offense will expire in 1year I'll take a picture when I gethome
  5. BrownBird

    PC main

    Main Game Stuffs Deadman Mode Stuff: Need more? Post below
  6. Was about to mention this.
  7. I'd recommend something on the lines of an AMD 6 or 8 core processor with at least 12GB of memory.. Then a 250GB SSD for OS and 1TB for whatever storage and graphics card something like a 750Ti or the 950 that just came out should be good for mid - high res @ 1080p gaming, power supply 600W and a case
  8. I'd recommend building an all new one together, do you have a tight budget or no?
  9. Unfortunately there is a leak, I'll have to put it in my onStart
  10. That's what I initially thought when you said this but I've ran it for about 3 hours today with CPU usage staying under 20%, now I'm not quite sure if that's high or not for a single script but it hasn't went past this at all.. Also been browsing the web and such, now for memory i haven't been keeping an eye on that. I will as of now! Edit: I think I understand why I haven't noticed any performance loss.. I have a memcleaner program installed; clearing it every 5 minutes..
  11. Oh my.. something occurred without me knowing
  12. Why not? lol.. It seems to be running just fine, is there something else I wouldn't know about?
  13. Thanks, instead I just put it into my paint method to keep it clean
  14. Morning, I have my MouseEvent, rectangle and booleans; I've tried to add the MouseLisenter with @Override yet nothing happens. Also when adding in MouseLisenter it adds other unneeded methods.. Any help is much appreciated thank you!
  15. Account was deleted, happened to me! Sorry about your luck
  16. This is what I've got: Var: ArrayList<String> itemLoot = new ArrayList<String>(); String[] lootItem = new String[itemLoot.size()]; Method: GroundItem loot = groundItems.closest(lootItem); GUI: if(law) { g.drawImage(img5, 48, 201, null); String l1 = "Law rune"; itemLoot.add(l1); } if(death) { g.drawImage(img5, 48, 221, null); String l2 = "Death rune"; itemLoot.add(l2); } if(nature) { g.drawImage(img5, 48, 242, null); String l3 = "Nature rune"; itemLoot.add(l3); } if(chaos) { g.drawImage(img5, 48, 262, null); String l4 = "Chaos rune"; itemLoot.add(l4); } if(bones){ g.drawImage(img5, 48, 281, null); String l5 = "Big bones"; itemLoot.add(l5); }
  17. I have this but it still won't pick up any loot at all.. I have made my own GUI (interactable paint) so can I still use this mehthod?
  18. So what I want to do is I have a GUI made up that and the user can choose to loot 6 different items. So, if they want to loot items 1-4 they choose those items, but how would I generate a list in String format so the getItems.closest(lootItem); can read it.. I currently am using an ArrayList to get a list of items but the method can't read it
  19. Sweet, can't wait for the release! thanks
  20. That's what I ended up doing Thanks though! I thought this would've been built into the client though...
  21. Opps :p I mean't through the client, I'm not sure what Z coord I'm currently on and I cannot find out how to get it..
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