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  1. That would indeed be much more convenient but who can say no to comboboxes haha na but I will add it later in the GUI ty for feedback.
  2. wow did not expect to see any posts in this thread, glad you all like it! Small updates: added - chicken, cow, giant rat - It now stops if you run out of runes. Added it to the script, thanks for code
  3. c0nan's free f2p splasher with sexy paint GUI ANTIBAN: Hover over magic skill at random ConditionalSleep() SPELLS: CONFUSE WEAKEN CURSE NPCS (will add more later): Monk of Zamorak Man Woman Rat Goblin Giant spider -added- Cow -added- Chicken -added- Giant rat ATTENTION: Only start this script with the chosen NPC visible on your map. THIS SCRIPT DOES NOT CHECK YOUR HEALTH OR HAVE ANY SAFE CHECKS FOR IF YOUR PLAYER IS UNDER ATTACK (Will add later) DOWNLOAD NEW ! Script now stops if you run out of runes! Script now hover the magic skill more rarely DOWNLOAD LINK -> http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=74861936098262265225 Have fun using this free f2p splasher BR c0nan // old dl version: http://www.filedropper.com/rankonemagicsplasher
  4. That is one solution however for walking a short distance (2 clicks on the map) using a random "Path position" is (imo) more suitable. This is of course not the case if the player could access the "Area" in one click on the map.
  5. Thanks for the example code! I think I will go with this solution (also stated in previous answers) Thanks for all answers & your time! BR c0nan
  6. private Position[] path = { new Position(3254, 3421, 0), new Position(3256, 3428, 0), new Position(3264, 3428, 0), new Position(3273, 3428, 0), new Position(3277, 3426, 0), new Position(3281, 3422, 0) }; localWalker.walkPath(path); That is Alek's example in the tutorial section for walking along a path. If I use that method it will click the exact same spots over and over when walking right? Is it possible to use walkPath(path) but make it click somewhere near the paths?(Antiban) I have been using webWalking to areas but it seems creating own paths is better in some cases. BR c0nan
  7. Just what I needed! Thanks alot, keep up the good work
  8. Hey, I thought I'd share my working Alkharid f2p cooker incase somebody needs it. SUPPORTED FOOD: Shrimps Trout Salmon Tuna Lobster Swordfish ANTIBAN: ConditionalSleep IMPROVEMENTS TO BE MADE: Random Sleep Hover Cooking-skill at random Better walking - DONE Better Cooking dialogue - DONE Better interaction between item and cooking range - DONE Start the script in the Alkharid bank with the chosen food visible in the bank. Download link: http://s000.tinyupload.com/?file_id=23572266907255250695 BR c0nan
  9. Oh damn, haha Now I can see it , Thanks for you help!
  10. Heyyo, I am trying to use the onPaint() method in my script but it is not showing up for some reason. @Override public void onPaint(Graphics2D g) { timeRan = System.currentTimeMillis() - this.timeBegan; g.drawString(ft(timeRan), 1, 1); currentXp = skills.getExperience(Skill.WOODCUTTING); xpGained = currentXp - beginningXp; g.drawString("" + xpGained, 1, 1); } Is there something wronge with that code? Thanks in advance BR c0nan
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