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  1. My miner still hasn't been updated. It's been more than 12 hours. Also, there's a new bug now. Idk what happens because i'm not looking but some of my miners randomly just die. Not sure what happens.... They are all at the mining guild. So i'm guessing they walk into the nonmining guild part and die?
  2. My perfect miner is still not updated. Is this a bug? Or is it not been updated yet? because I finally decided to try mithril again and it still does the weird bug when after it mines it runs around in a circle in the middle of the coal until a mithril spawns. It doesn't hop. How do you update the script you have in your bot? I'm still new to this.
  3. Doesn't seem to work for me. As soon as I click screen mode, I click 1 coal and then it just starts instantly. Could this be a bug?
  4. For screen mode, how does it work? It says select rocks, and everytime I click 1 coal it just only mines that 1 rock. Is there a way to select multiple? I tried using CTRL that didn't work.
  5. Sick dude, i've been using your bot for all my accounts for awhile now. The best results ever. I just had 2 fresh accounts banned around 50 mining but I think my break timer on them broke somehow. But i've had a total of 8 accounts running this bot and only 2 had issues. I'm loving these updates too. Thanks again!
  6. Yeah i've never tried screen mode, but will try that out and get back to you.
  7. I got another issue, in varrock west. The way the bot mines iron is insanely INSANELY weird. It'll mine the single rock and then walk around the hill by first going north then back down south to the 2 ores. And if the 2 ores are mined it'll start walking towards the warrior's guild and it wont get far then the ore spawns and it runs back. It looks ridiculous honestly.... not sure why it's doing this. Wasn't doing this b4.
  8. Could I get a trial?
  9. Hello! Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay! Free post 4me!
  10. The mithril runs out after 5 ores are mined. And once they're mined, he runs to the middle of the coals and runs back and forth until another mith ore spawns. Doesn't hop when the option is enabled. And awesome! Update - Also, the "hide paint" option doesn't work. It doesn't get rid of the paint actually. If you could, you should consider making the paint a little smaller lol. It's kind of insanely large, or make a smaller option. One that just shows the ores. Just opinions, not demands. Update 2 - OH and could you make a Free 2 play free world hopping? That would be swell. Thanks!
  11. Mining guild has an issue? When it mines all the mith it just runs back and forth in the coals mining spot? And doesn't hop worlds when hop world option is enabled. Known bug? Or... new? Update 1 - Another small issue.... dragon pick axe special, it does it a lot when i'm banking. Which.... doesn't make a big issue? But it could come off like a bot? Because ideally you'd wanna do it while you're mining for optimal mining levels.
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