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  1. I cannot add your Discord as a friend. Are you aware that Discord usernames are Case-Sensitive? Is your Discord ID supposed to be in all-caps, as the graphic on your original post implies?
  2. As stated in the title, I am looking for 200m and wish to pay through paypal. Will go first for people with plenty of feedback.
  3. Jag has been cracking down hard on BF. Banned after just 40 minutes, during supposed time when they're not working. I wasn't kicked, just had to stop and when logging back in.. Maybe it had to do with the fact that it was a Wednesday
  4. I believe the fact that people get banned constantly while in mirror mode suggests they detect bots at least partly by actions.
  5. Any implementation of my previous suggestions coming soon?
  6. Do you agree to the TOS? : Yes. How much are you depositing? : 10m What is your Skype ID? :Lavosu What is your experience like? : Been playing for over 10 years. Have RS3 main with over 200m exp done preEOC, Also leveled many other accounts throughout the years, including pures, zerkers, etc.
  7. Second day using the script, found another issue. I've recorded a video of it: https://youtu.be/kHwx82oPKHY Misclicks when selecting the ore belt, causing the bot to run to the side. It happens semi frequently. Another suggestion: I typically set the bot to cool the bars. After using the bucket, it prioritizes filling the bucket again rather than taking the bars. In other words, it runs to dispenser, cools, runs to water source, then back to dispenser. Would it not be better to have the bot cool, take bars, fill up and bank?
  8. No, it isn't every time. However, it is not uncommon; while observing the script function for about 2 hours I saw this behavior several times. If you want more information I could probably get it today. Just ask for what you'd need.
  9. Hey! Great script. Bought yesterday, setup everything today and the profits are amazing. One suggestion: Have the bot close the "take bar" interface with the escape key rather than clicking the X on the top right corner One bug: Bot seems to pay the foreman twice in a row, essentially wasting 2.5k
  10. 15m Voucher purchased. Everything went smoothly, seller was very professional and accomodating. Will repeat business.
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