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Everything posted by Zerker

  1. Honestly I enjoy ironman mode... for a while. The thing I enjoy about RS the most is creating accounts and grinding them but when i get to a certain stage i get bored and sell the accs. I'm on my 4th ironman at the moment, 2 of them I got b gloves on and got to reasonable nice accounts, both got deironed and sold. third one I got to like 83 mining had a nice cash stack and started questing b gloves then deironed and turned into a zulrah acc. if you like grinding and doing things at your own pace and not submitting to "Efficiency" playing, then sure. ironman will be for you.
  2. why use an auto clicker? Just make a .bat file to boot up with the right proxy/accounts?
  3. I'm currently selling one along with 71 attack 1 defence and it's taken me a week to get close to 40M and i've got 150 FB.
  4. Chris' brother coming in with the memes.
  5. I will let it go right now for 45m if you're interested.
  6. Why was it a wrong time quote? it takes like 14 hours to get void in med boat.
  7. Can middle man this trade if you need one
  8. Zerker

    80-92 Range

    If you have some NMZ points already so i can buy absorbs i'll do range for 12gp per which comes to 54.37M for the 4,531,185 EXP skype: zerkerosb
  9. Put a longer delay maybe. Edit - Do you know if the accounts with proxies open or is it mostly the ones without proxies that open?
  10. I can middleman if you find you can't trust someone who is interested. skype: Zerkerosb
  11. I can MM for any trade you may need.
  12. Zerker

    80-92 Range

    user literally got banned this morning for botting someones sandcrab xp.
  13. I liked black santa hat until I sold my collection at 170M from 140M thinking they won't rise anymore.
  14. Slayer. Invention looks whack, HP I had when Soulwars came out and got bored real quick and summoning is meh.
  15. Agility: 7M Blast Furnace: 20M with ice gloves. Skype: Zerkerosb Also I am available to MM any trade you may need.
  16. bump will take 45M for this account.
  17. one that can't do makeup properly? plenty of them in England mate.
  18. I can middleman this trade if you require one.
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